Agenda August 2020

7.00pm-9.00pm Tuesday 30th June 2020

Online and by phone- all welcome as always, fill in the event form to receive live link

  1. Post holiday welcome back and apologies 
    1. resignation – Ann
  2. Police Report – RA emailed for reports, still to come
    1. Any community advice required?
    2. Butlerfield update
  3. Midlothian Resilience meeting – notes to be tabled
  4. Minutes of Previous Meeting/ Matters Arising
  5. Newtongrange resilience – update from Jeremy. 
    1. NRV team self sufficient – amazing effort from injured Janet and Pat, lovely to hear of NCC volunteering and how the event encourages community responses like the painting of the wheel
    2. MC (and other resilience funding) reconciliation and reports done – big thanks John 
      1. budget and spending strategy update 
    3.  NRV – does the NCC want to continue to operate the NRV? How can it be made sustainable?
      1. Note about “COVID-19” school run 
    4. Funding application, Coop – Local Community Fund – what would it mean to get more funding?
      1. Direct this to NRV
  6. Community Development Trust – review of proposal 
    1. What does it mean?
    2. how can we support?
    3. next steps – development trust Zoom
  7. Local lock down issues
    1. Scammers re prev – follow up for police attendance at “The Pool”
  8. Community resilience ideas –
    1.  Newtongrange Community allotments:
    2. Summer activity packs for school children / brain teasers for shielding groups   ( Ross)
    3. Newtongrange Star 130th anniversary 20/9/20. Perhaps some combined outdoor community event With NRV/NMMS @ New Victoria Park with football memorabilia (similar theme to (Ross)
    4. Corona Snake – see correspondence
  9. 2020-21 Year Aims for NCC– On agenda for reference during wider discussion
    1. Protecting and improving services:
      1. Urgent wall repairs required with bricks coming loose on Dalhousie Road (June)
      2. Bus shelter on right hand side of main road as you walk up past water treatment works at suttieslea (John)
    2. The Newtongrange Masterplan: ensuring community development remains at its heart and engaging business and the village in its progress
      1. Update form working group (Andrew)
    3. Engaging the community: positive solutions for inclusivity, village pride and achievement.
      • Newsletter – Ross
      • Website content – what action? (Jeremy)
      • Community Council representation at The Pool
      • Supporting the community planting/weeding – thanks to Ross for supporting – offer to match fund flower purchases and person needed to lead on support and develop planter sponsorship after Jason’s departure.
  10. Reports
    1. Councillor’s – attending councillors – Midlothian Council update?
    2. Treasurer’s “Banking Signatory“
    3. MFCC (Jeremy) – no report
    4. Planning Applications – John
  11. Correspondence
    1. Brian Tannerhill – summary of NCC response to request for involvement – (Jeremy) 
    2. Councilors to respond noise enforcement complaint re Drydens and Story:
       1) Dryden’s -Numerous complaints To MC about noise pollution to the council with earliest start of loud machinery 05:18am

      2) Story – They have been quieter since lockdown, but they remain a serial noise polluter from 4:30am with drop of vehicles and cleaning of vehicles throughout the day.
    3. Christine Lithgow – corona snake, seeking NCC assistance to preserve the painted rock “snake” made by village children
  12. Any Other Business
  13. Date of next meeting


Jeremy Adderley

Jeremy Adderley

I'm involved with the Newtongrange Community Council because I want to preserve our status as a proud village and ensure residents have a say in local development

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