Minutes June 2024

The June 2024 NCC meeting chaired by Andrew Marshall @ Newbattle Community Learning Centre.  The meeting captured community concerns and on-going issues. Police and Councillor’s reports were offered and discussion regarding the Masterplan, Crawlees, Community Garden, local issues and correspondence.

Members Present In Attendance



  • Andrew Marshall (Vice Chair)
  • Ross Anderson (Minute Secretary)
  • Lorna Leslie
  • Sarah Matthews (Secretary) 
  • Maureen MacRae
  • Robert Joyce
  • June Robertson
  • Sandy Howden
  • Laura Joyce
  • Rebecca McCosh (Zoom)
  • Bill Hunter
  • Betty Wilson
  • Linda Anderson



  • Ian Hogg
  • William Darling
  • PC Keith Down
  • Clr. Kelly Drummond
  • Clr. Douglas Bowen
  • Robert Mackie
  • Jim Crowe
  • Ron Campbell
See Agenda
  1. Welcome and introductions – 
    1. Apologies: Robert Joyce, Clr. Ellen Scott and Rebecca McCosh (unable to access Zoom)
  1. Previous minutes May 2024 minutes : proposed by JR – seconded by SM
  2. Matters Arising – 
    1. Action for AM: Pavement area beside the old Ruts building still to be cleared
    2. Action for SM to contact Robert Mackie regarding Crawlees Road. Still no new sign installed by council.
    3. Action for Clr. Bowen regarding regarding Crawlees Rd & ‘speed trap’ numbers anomalies 
    4. Action considered to liaise with Gorebridge CC and other regarding NWH operations in Newtongrange and crushing operation move to North Middleton. RC suggested a letter to  Midlothian Council, Chief Executive as next step if required.
    5. AM informed meeting Gardening competition to be held mid-August with judging panel to be either NGG or perhaps DGG. Action for AM to progress and inform members of progress.
    6. School signage winner was the blue & yellow logo, JA centred and now sent to the printers. Plaque has been ordered directly.
  3. Police report – circulated to members. 122 calls to the police over period.  Issues in report – drugs found within property; car window damage; intoxicated males;  car registration plates theft;  drink/drugs driving; youths on library/church roof.
  4. Twinning with Lewarde region, France – After positive discussion of its merits. Action for SH to look at next steps that most likely involve contacting Paul Johson, Midlothian Council contact.
  5. Moving Around Committee – After a request for members MM agreed to join committee with LA to look at Travel, Consultation & Transport Strategy. RA informed meeting that the online tracker system will be in operation at approx. 3 bus stops in the Newtongrange vicinity. 
  6. Local Place Plan committees Action for relevant committees to meet & discuss respective objectives and how to progress actions prior to August 2024 meeting.
  7. Ian Hogg accessibilty assessment – IH is looking at completing a risk-assessment with regards to barriers to access from unsuitable drop kerbs, tree roots in the park, school access by wheelchair/mobility scooter and toilets in the park with appropriate doors. He is currently looking to liaisewith disability & access officer, Midlothian Council. Action for SM to get in touch with Ian.
  8. Newtongrange Residential Neighbourhood Development consultation discussion –  During the event it seemed clear that the vast majority of residents consulted were against having any houses in the pool area.  Flats built on top of the community hub was also deemed undesirable. What is the economic benefit of having to make the 50+ year old Leisure Centre fit to align with a small scale modern hub?  There was also concern about the small scale of the library within the community hub plan. Action for SM to request to see the feedback from the consultation. NCC wishes to ensure that the miners statue stays in situ. NCC were part of the fundraising effort for the bronze statue  replacement of the fibreglass original. Ron Campbell appealed to the group to take ownership of the statue. A previous suggestion was that it be moved to church area,  however, the church previously declined to have anything to do with the or contribute to the statue. The beech trees should ideally not be moved and stay in situ, during that stage of the development. The two storage units are to be moved and old boards removed in September.
  9. Tennis courts decision – Decision due on Friday 28/6/24.
  10. Lady Road pathway – The section from Newbattle Community Learning Centre to Reid Drive is nearly impassible and is a health & safety risk . It is imperative that a safe route to the new Easthouses Primary School. Action for Clr Bowen to get in contact with Midlothian Council / Lothian Estates clearly stating the need to clear the paths.
  11. Garden competition 2024 – Action AM to lead on this asap.
  12. Defibrillators under the ownership and control of Newtongrange Community Council – Ron Campbell brought a letter and images to the attention of NCC. Action for AM to check condition of pads/batteries etc. SM mentioned that the BT telephone box is a candiate for anothe rdefbrillator in the village. Action for SM to look at opportunity for training for interested parties.
  13. Correspondence – Email from an Alan Watson, looking at bringing Edinburgh festival events out to Newtongrange. Ron Campbell mentioned how previously Midlothian lost out to Fife with regards to a new theatre building in the vicinity. Action for SM to share email details with Engagement committee to create as RA described “Fringe by the Bing”. Email SM suggestions for local groups who deserve to be nominated for the SURF awards, application closes 2/9/24. Suggestion was NGG for Community Led Regeneration category for the community garden. SM email Justin Venton regarding football in the park. 
  14. Reports
    1. Councillor’s Report –  Clr Bowen  Planning Committee on 4th June at which the Planning Application in respect of the North Middleton quarry was approved. I asked for a definite mechanism to be put in place for the elected members of the Council receiving regular reports regarding the monitoring of traffic, noise, dust and mud on the road etc.  Attended Newtongrange gala on 9th June & Dalkeith/ Jarnac, France Twinning Visit, 22nd – 25th June, hosting 3 French visitors. Audit Committee on 24th June & Full Council Meeting on 25th June. 


      1. Lingerwood Development and Crawlees Road.

       The Roads Team have carried out some improvements to signs and road markings and the Planning Manager has been briefed on the necessity to have road improvements carried out before any building work commences.


      1. Tennis Courts and Pavilion in Newtongrange.

                     The application to the LTA for finance appears to be successful as a survey and estimate for the work required is to be carried out shortly.

      1. Lady Path from Reed Drive to Easthouses and Garages in Morris Road, Easthouses

      The Lothian Estates Factor is obtaining estimates for clearing the site and is considering future development possibilities. He would welcome any suggestions from the community (which can be passed on through me). Clr. Bowen floated the idea of Lothian Estates donating the land (once made safe from asbestos) to the community for an alternative wildlife sanctuary.

      1. Building at Newtongrange railway station

         Have been in direct contact with the owner to encourage him to sell or develop the building either for commercial or residential purposes.

      1. Newtongrange School Parking.

      Awaiting a decision about the school being included in the next School Streets Plan.   The bollard has now been repaired. I have twice visited the school recently to see for myself the problems caused by selfish drivers.

      1. Newtongrange Library Repair

      Continuing to chase repairs to the exterior area.

      1. Litter, Waste bins and other street issues.

      I am awaiting to hear from the newly formed Neighbourhood Environment Team to have a meeting to discuss what they are proposing regarding improving litter collection etc. I will also raise again with them the question of a bin or bins at Bryan’s Wood, my initial request having been refused on the basis that previous bins in that location have been vandalised.

      1. Community Garden

      Following on Fiona Clandillon’s visit to the last CC meeting, Councillor Scott and I met with her and her superior and they have confirmed that there is no question of the garden having to be vacated for at least a period of two years. They did point out that the garden area has been in the Local Plan for Development for many years.  A Community Consultation regarding development of the village centre has been held in Newtongrange Library and the outcome is awaited.

      Finally, I am continuing to help some constituents with a range of issues such overgrown trees, housing repairs and problems with access over rights of way.

    2. Councillor’s Report –  Clr Scott – Participating in Education Placement Appeals end of May/ June. Involved in the recruitment panel for Deputy Head for Lasswade High School. Attended Newtongrange and Gorebridge Galadays, which were both excellent.  I have undertaken education enquiries on behalf of residents, both in and outwith Midlothian South [as Convener of Education Committee], helping constituents with housing, tidying and other problems and had a walkaround one of the Estates in Gorebridge which the residents were unhappy over landscaping etc.  As Douglas has mentioned we have been following up on Crawlees and the Community garden.  Midlothian schools have reached capacity, parents/carers should be aware that although their children attend nursery at a particular school, nurseries are not catchment based, but when transitioning to P1, places are catchment based.  It causes parents/carers a great deal of distress to find out that their child does not have a place in a particular school as they are out of catchment and the school is full.  
    3. Councillor’s Report –  Clr. DrummondN/A
    4. Treasurer
      1. Financial figure – Still £1,802.78 in the bank
    5. MFCC – SM to check regarding Councillor votes on Midlothian Council plan to agree to an increase of 2,000 from Scottish Government agreed figure.
    6.  Planning Applications Action for AM to check the planning portal with regards the Vape shop, Main Street refurbishment and concern for the original frontage.
    7. AOB – 
  15. Date of Next Meeting – 27th August 2024 at 6:30-8:30 pm, Location Newbattle Community Learning Centre and Zoom – register here 
Ross Anderson

Ross Anderson

I'm involved with the Newtongrange Community Council because I want to help preserve the unique heritage, character & facilities of the village.

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