Agenda June 2022
Welcome to the 6th June NCC meeting of 2022: Newtongrange Community Council consider the main aims, objectives and correspondence this month.
7.30 pm-9.00pm Tuesday 28th June 2022
In person @ The Dean Tavern, Temperance Room. Online and by phone- all welcome as always, please fill in the attendance form to let us know or receive online link
- Welcome and apologies
- Apologies from Andrew
- Sandy Howden membership approval.
- Any member updates – news and activity
- Previous Meeting (June 2022) Approval/ Matters Arising
- Police Report – RA sent 26/06:22
- Newtongrange Development Trust –
- ‘The Pool’ Jubilee event (Andrew)
- Correspondence
- Newtongrange prescription services (JR – continued from May meeting)
- emails – JA
- Community resilience ideas
- Planters money – (Fiona)
- Newsletter latest – (Jeremy/Rebecca)
- Todd the snake – (Jeremy)
- 2022-23 Year Aims for NCC– On agenda for reference during wider discussion – opportunity to review and note early thoughts for the year.
- Protecting and improving services:
- The Pool site (Old swimming pool) improvements (June/Linda)
- Midlothian Council plans for library. Invite to Fiona Clandillon for August meeting (Ross)
- Street cleaning and weeds issues at bus shelters on Main Street (Linda)
- Murderdean Road bins (June)
- Traffic accidents with volume of NWH lorries coming down Bryan’s road & speed of traffic on Newbattle Road, not addressed. Can we have speed columns erected? (Linda)
- Liney Dyke & Newtongrange Conservation Area (John)
- Welfare Park – paths (Linda)
- Tennis, petanque & park latest (Ross and Sandy Howden)
- The Newtongrange Masterplan: ensuring community development remains at its heart and engaging business and the village in its progress
- Ross asked Fiona Clandillon (MC) to meeting. Available on 30/08/22
- Engaging the community: positive solutions for inclusivity, village pride and achievement.
- NCC / NPL summer litterpick, picnic or BBQ Sat 30th July from 10am in possible conjunctionwith Dalkeith Thistle CFC, NDT, NC1, Village Voices (Ross/Cath)
- Protecting and improving services:
- Reports
- Councillor’s – attending councillors
- Treasurer’s – (John)
- MFCC – (Jeremy)
- Planning – Springfield – (Jeremy) Latest development and key dates for diary)
- Any Other Business
- Date and Venue of next meeting
- Tuesday, 30th August (no meeting in July)
- The Dean Tavern, Temperance Room & Zoom TBC