Agenda June 2022

Welcome to the 6th June NCC meeting of 2022: Newtongrange Community Council consider the main aims, objectives and correspondence this month. 


7.30 pm-9.00pm Tuesday 28th June 2022 

In person @ The Dean Tavern, Temperance Room. Online and by phone- all welcome as always, please fill in the attendance form to let us know or receive online link

  1. Welcome and apologies 
    1. Apologies from Andrew
    2. Sandy Howden membership approval.
    3. Any member updates – news and activity 
  2. Previous Meeting (June 2022) Approval/ Matters Arising
  3. Police Report – RA sent 26/06:22
  4. Newtongrange Development Trust – 
    1. ‘The Pool’ Jubilee event (Andrew)
  5. Correspondence
    1. Newtongrange prescription services (JR – continued from May meeting)
    2. emails – JA
  6. Community resilience ideas 
    1. Planters money – (Fiona)
    2. Newsletter latest – (Jeremy/Rebecca)
    3. Todd the snake – (Jeremy)
  7. 2022-23 Year Aims for NCC– On agenda for reference during wider discussion – opportunity to review and note early thoughts for the year.
    1. Protecting and improving services:
      1. The Pool site (Old swimming pool) improvements (June/Linda)
      2. Midlothian Council plans for library. Invite to Fiona Clandillon for August meeting (Ross)
      3. Street cleaning and weeds issues at bus shelters on Main Street (Linda)
      4. Murderdean Road bins (June)
      5. Traffic accidents with volume of NWH lorries coming down Bryan’s road & speed of traffic on Newbattle Road, not addressed. Can we have speed columns erected? (Linda)
      6. Liney Dyke & Newtongrange Conservation Area (John)
      7. Welfare Park – paths (Linda)
      8. Tennis, petanque & park latest (Ross and Sandy Howden)
    2. The Newtongrange Masterplan: ensuring community development remains at its heart and engaging business and the village in its progress
      1. Ross asked Fiona Clandillon (MC) to meeting. Available on 30/08/22
    3. Engaging the community: positive solutions for inclusivity, village pride and achievement.
      1. NCC / NPL summer litterpick, picnic or BBQ Sat 30th July from 10am in possible conjunctionwith Dalkeith Thistle CFC,  NDT, NC1, Village Voices (Ross/Cath)
  8. Reports
    1. Councillor’s – attending councillors 
    2. Treasurer’s – (John)
    3. MFCC – (Jeremy)
    4. Planning –  Springfield – (Jeremy) Latest development and key dates for diary) 
  9. Any Other Business
  10. Date and Venue of next meeting
    • Tuesday,  30th August (no meeting in July)
    • The Dean Tavern, Temperance Room & Zoom TBC


Ross Anderson

Ross Anderson

I'm involved with the Newtongrange Community Council because I want to help preserve the unique heritage, character & facilities of the village.

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