Tagged: Midlothian Council
Midlothian Council service cut proposals: “none of the proposed cuts would be necessary if Midlothian Council was funded appropriately and fairly. We do not accept them. We do not want to pit group against group trying to fight for whose cause is more important, they are all important. We must stand together in solidarity.”
The development of the former site of Newbattle High School entirely into housing has been sensibly halted for consideration of the Primary School needs for the area, while a new Primary school on the site...
A report on NCC’s visit to Midlothian Council’s consultation on financial strategy and vision set against the need to cut £18M
A microgrant request to support a newsletter campaign to support the NCC’s goals of inclusivity, representation and engagement.
Shaping our town centre: balancing housing, heritage, sustainability, services and commercial opportunities, the NCC is determined the community will be a strong partner in the development of the village.
Midlothian Council is grassing our flower beds: see how the community is responding and join the campaign to save them