Minutes May 2024

The April 2024 NCC meeting chaired by Jeremy Adderley @ Newbattle Community Learning Centre.  The meeting captured community concerns and on-going issues. Police and Councillor’s reports were offered and discussion regarding the Masterplan, Crawlees, Community Garden, local issues and correspondence.

Members Present In Attendance


  • Jeremy Adderley (Chair)
  • Andrew Marshall (Vice Chair)
  • Ross Anderson (Minute Secretary)
  • Lorna Leslie
  • Sarah Matthews (Secretary) (Zoom)
  • Maureen MacRae
  • Robert Joyce
  • June Robertson
  • Sandy Howden
  • Laura Joyce
  • Rebecca McCosh (Zoom)
  • Bill Hunter
  • Betty Wilson
  • John Muir



  • Ian Hogg
  • William Darling
  • PC Keith Down
  • Clr. Kelly Drummond
  • Clr. Douglas Bowen
  • Clr. Ellen Scott
See Agenda
  1. Welcome and introductions – 
    1. Apologies: Linda Anderson and Rebecca McCosh
    2. SH passed round document ‘Twinning for Newtongrange’ proposal of Lewarde, in the Hauts-de-France region of France. Home of the Centre Historique de minier Action for members to read & discuss @ June meeting.
    3. JA passed around Newtongrange Primary School branding designs for members to vote on preferred option.
  1. Previous minutes March 2024 minutes : proposed by JR – seconded by WD
  2. Matters Arising – 
    1. AM  now shared community benefit summary with local groups.
    2. Clr. Bowen discussed possible alternative sites for community garden with Orchard Grange, back of NCLC, Gardiners Place 
    3. Clr. Scott felt the merits of keeping a Leisure Centre & a Library in the community was important.
    4. JA wrote to Wayne Clark regarding Crawlees Road issues. The council have ordered a new road sign.
    5. AM helpect Robert Mackie with portal & BW will hand material over to Robert.
    6. Action for Clr Scott to ask a team to consider if 6th Street location currently has too many parking bays at present time.
    7. Councillors held meeting with Peter Arnsdorf regarding NWH. Meeting had real concern about the number of vehicles on the roads and potentially working machinery without permission. Action for AM to look at pre-application document
    8. Clr. Drummond mentioned that Newtongrange Primary School assessment report is not yet available.
    9. Action for SM to circulate Portobello Timebank email. The assumption is this community sharing model is more appropriate to NDT
  3. Police report – N/A action for SM to circulate to members. PC Keith Down (Penicuik) kindly appeared in PC Jason McFarlane’s absence & highlighted points of note from latest report. There was no information regarding police support for the upcoming Gala event. 
  4. Newsletter: After consulting with members SM to lead on new newsletter due for September time.All members can help contribute. Action for RA to include a litter group piece.
  5. Moving Around Committee – After a request for members MM agreed to join committee with LA to look at Travel, Consultation & Transport Strategy. RA informed meeting that the online tracker system will be in operation at approx. 3 bus stops in the Newtongrange vicinity. 
  6. Local Place Plan commentsAction for SM to review items and circulate to relevant committees to ensure they are considered. For eg. How can we best publicise Youth Groups within the area. 
  7. Newtongrange Residential Neighbourhood Development consultation – Newtongrange Library 4-8pm Thursday 6/6/24. NCC unhappy with 9 day notice and will look to get an additional event or extension. Concern about 3 storey housing (2 storey & dormer) & getting rid of public realm, mature trees and surfacing. Further points of discussion: will there be a variety of options. i.e if we keep the Community Garden in-situ what are the trade-offs. When is the project actually going to happen 2025/26?  Can the church – library be reconsidered? The priority is improving the pool site. If there is a further delay cann it not be grassed over as we suggested years ago. Action for AM to write to Fiona Clandillon, & publicise event widely. Further Action for JR to be lead for the event & report back at June meeting
  8. Welfare Park Centenary – Action for future meeting to have a plan for 2026. What will the centenar look like will it be a Big Gala day like event in September 2026? Clr D suggested another Battle of the Bands event which NC1 organised so successfully in the past. 
  9. Welfare Park Tennis Courts Infrastructure – Newtongrange, Kings Park and Beeslack due for surface replacement. Sportex surveyed sites and pricing them up. Need for schools to get involved. Pavilion(s) need to be made fit for purpose by the council before any organisation can take them over. The toilets have to be accessible to all. JR highlighted that there was 11 cars on the grass last Tuesday. Held talks with Justin Venton to see if any solutions can be found.
  10. Garden competition 2024 – Action AM to lead on this asap.
  11. Previous Correspondence – From March meeting AM emailed council to ensure A7 pavement area near Mining Museum bus stop pavement was to be sweeped.
  12. Correspondence – Bryans Wood bins top, bottom, middle  – Clr. Bowen has requested bins. It was highlighted that a number of areas really require additional bins Top of 9th Street, Line Dyke. Action for SM to report to Environmental Team large scale fly-tipping at Morris Road. Resident had reported on 5/4/24 and no action as of now.  Connor Wright has now resolved xmas lights issue on Main Street property.
  13. Reports
    1. Councillor’s Report –  Clr Bowen  Held meeting with Councillor Imrie regarding Lingerwood development road improvement. Planning Manager talking with Springfield regarding completely new road route. Take the pressure off Crawlees Road. Michael Robson mentioned that three sites including Newtongrange are earmarked for new all weather tennis court surface . Morris Road tidy-up has started but unable to do anything to finish until asbestos is removed. Clr Bowen will continue to press the Murderdean Road derelict building issue. However, he is uncertain about what stage the land tribunal case is at. Waiting to see if Newtongrange is added to the school parking list for next session. Clr B failed in his attempts to get new public bins installed around Bryans Wood as previous bins were torched and destroyed. New environmental team leader to be appointed with 5 new litter wardens for Midlothian. Sad to see Victor go as he worked tirelessly with local litter picking groups in the area in the short time he was in post.
    2. Councillor’s Report –  Clr Scott – Zebra crossing issue now resolved. Clr Scott understood the need to preserve the Community Garden. Clr Scott met with CLLE regarding reported increase in youth disturbances e.g Birkenside bus terminal. With bus drivers reporting a lot of trouble. This highlights the need to find young people alternatives with community space options on offer. £3,000 from environmental budget towards The Pavillion at Birkenside. Organisations like the Russell Trust can help with such projects.
    3. Councillor’s Report –  Clr. DrummondAction to send NWH pre-application link. Clr D dealing with Midlothian Gala day licences. Opening of a new terrain at North Middleton attended by members from the Newtongrange club. Chasing up Chris King regarding street light issues in Newtongrange. Objected to Midlothian North constituency change proposal of Scottish electoral boundaries,  which would have separated Newtongrange & Gorebridge. (with support from fellow elected members). Recent flooding has highlighted the amount of water run-off from the fields. Still no decision regarding Newtongrange Primary School upgrade. Possibility of looking at Developers Contribution to go towards school refurbs. Now that maintenance is separate from education budget. 
    4. Treasurer
      1. Financial figure – £1,802.78 in the bank
    5. MFCCAction for SM to circulate issues to members
    6.  Planning Applications – Advertisments on roandabouts approved as it met with council policy despite many objections. New brewery with distribution centre near the Mining Museum. Loan shop alterations and axe throwing event  space in Dalkeith.
    7. AOB – Community Garden Party 1/6/24. Bryan’s Wood litterpick 2/6/24
  14. Date of Next Meeting – 25th June 2024 at 6:30-8:30 pm, Location Newbattle Community Learning Centre and Zoom – register here 
Ross Anderson

Ross Anderson

I'm involved with the Newtongrange Community Council because I want to help preserve the unique heritage, character & facilities of the village.

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