Category: Current Objectives
This month saw launch of The Newtongrange Flyer. The NCC has supported, coordinated and funded a number of activities during the year and the second issue of the newsletter, although originally designed to increase the...
As a community council we are privileged to work with so many fantastic groups – this year in particular Guerrilla Gardeners, Newtongrange Park Life, NDT, NC1, Village Voices, The Dean Tavern, Newtongrange Primary School, St...
Last month saw launch of The Newtongrange Flyer. The NCC has supported, coordinated and funded a number of resilience activities during the CoViD-19 pandemic and the first issue of the new newsletter, although originally designed...
During almost six months of restrictions there is one thing I have missed above all others was the chance to nip over the road to the local library. I was pleased when Dalkeith reopened; late...
Any situation where we are told that if we can keep UK deaths under 20,000 we will have done well, is clearly not a good one. This is a tough time. Something about the scale of that number means that many families will be touched directly by loss, and if deaths can prevented we should be doing everything we can.
What can we do to help create commercial opportunity? Community Councillors are keen to see diversity and ensure development is inclusive of plans encourage business
Shaping our town centre: balancing housing, heritage, sustainability, services and commercial opportunities, the NCC is determined the community will be a strong partner in the development of the village.
While Midlothian Council’s budget comes under pressure the NCC wants ensure resident’s voices are heard regarding the services they depend on. This will be a critical focus for NCC. Key outcomes will be: identifying services...