Agenda August 2023

Welcome to the August NCC meeting.  

Meetings are now held in person, by phone and online via Zoom – all welcome as always, please fill in the attendance form to let us know or receive the online link

Tuesday 29th of August 7-9pm @ Dean Tavern Function Room.

  1. Welcome and apologies  
  2. Previous Minutes (June) – Approval & Matters Arising 
  3. Any member updates – News and Activity
    1. Local Place Plan
      1. Overview – where we are now, what still needs to be done
      2. Funding
    2. Tennis
    3. General Update 
  4. Police Report
  5. Correspondence
    1. Logistics of Gardening competition – How do people enter? Trophy still needed
    2. Pop up park at pool – weeds / trees are withered. Pop up park had no consultation who authorised this £84k spend? 
    3. Funding secured for pool site – where is this now being spent? 
    4. The bins on Murderdean Rd has not been resolved 
    5. The library has had a leak in the roof for several weeks and has not been repaired 
    6. The drainage outside the library has not been repaired and is the causing the toilet in the library to malfunction? 
    7. Traffic on Crawlees Road 
    8. What are the proposals and time line for work on the Pool site – a blight on the centre of or village for over 5 years 
    9. G Grigg  & Sons parking on Newbattle Road
    10. Wall repair needed – Beechwood Park (Wall has been an issue since April leading to grass issue)
    11. Weeds on paved areas throughout the village – Correspondence from residents
    12. Parking – Newtongrange Primary School and 3rd Street
    13. Welfare Park – Benches for the skate park and replacement of light
    14. External Funding – All (left on the agenda from April)
  6. Reports
    1. Councillor’s – attending Councillors
    2. MFCC
    3. Treasurer 
    4. Planning 
  7. Any Other Business
  8. Date and Venue of next meeting
    • Tuesday,  26th September 2023 7-9pm
    • The Dean Tavern, Function Room & Zoom 


Sarah Matthews

Sarah Matthews

After seeing the great work carried out by the Community Council during the pandemic I wanted to lend my skills and experience in order to make a difference.

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