Agenda September 2020

7.00pm-9.00pm Tuesday 29th September 2020

Online and by phone- all welcome as always, fill in the event form to receive live link

  1. Welcome back and apologies 
    1. apologies from Linda & Jeremy
  2. Police Report – RA emailed for reports, still to come
    1. Any community advice required?
    2.  From Midlothain Advertiser: On Tuesday, September 8, a 71 year old man attended at the Newtongrange Dental Practice, Station Road, Newtongrange, where he acted in a threatening and abusive manner when told he would have to book an appointment. On police arrival he was issued with a Recorded Police Warning. On Tuesday, September 15, officers were on patrol in Abbey Grange, Newtongrange when they carried out a vehicle stop and found a 35 year old woman to be driving without insurance. The woman refused to accept a conditional offer and was reported to the Procurator Fiscal by summons. The vehicle was also seized by officers.
  3. Minutes of Previous Meeting/ Matters Arising
  4. Newtongrange resilience – update from Jeremy email (contribution from Pat & Janet if in attendance?)
    1. • The Community Council will cover the rental cost of the container hire until December (at least)
      • The Pool now meeting monthly – Next Oct 31 should restrictions allow
      • Lots of great Halloween themed ideas in development
      • Jeremy speaking to Bike station about guided family cycle and bike maintenance.
      • Could we do something with young people – create a graffiti wall on the hoardings? Thoughts on this please.
      •  14th November ‘The Pool’ – we talked about a firework theme – please let us have your thoughts?
      • 5th December -the usual date for light switching on but we are not sure what Midlothian Council have in mind for this year. NC1 Fiona and Dot usually organise the event in the Church along with the Church so a joint chat about what format this might take this year recognising it is difficult to plan around restrictions at the moment.
    2. Funding application, Midlothian Council Small  – what would it mean to get more funding?
      1. closing date OCT 18th for up to £2000 if we can identify a need
  5. Community Development Trust – review of proposal 
    1. Development trust Zoom September 15th 2020 (Ross to forward PDF’s from DTAS) – next steps? (Pat Bowie or Janet Donaldson)
    2. Brainstorm session: who are all the partners we should contact in Newtongrange? 
  6. Local lock down issues
    1. Scammers re prev – follow up for police attendance at “The Pool”? (Any development?)
  7. Community resilience ideas –
    1. Newtongrange Star 130th anniversary 20/9/20. Andrew Hickie brought Star memorabilia to the ‘The Pool’ on 5th September  (Ross)
    2. Corona Snake – see correspondence
    3.  A NCC led litterpick? (Ross)
  8. 2020-21 Year Aims for NCC– On agenda for reference during wider discussion
    1. Protecting and improving services:
      1. Urgent wall repairs required with bricks coming loose on Dalhousie Road (June/Jeremy still to pass photos/ update to MC on crumbling wall)?
      2. Bus shelter on right hand side of main road as you walk up past water treatment works at Suttieslea (John still to pass photos/ update to MC on crumbling wall)?
    2. The Newtongrange Masterplan: ensuring community development remains at its heart and engaging business and the village in its progress
      1. Update from working group (Andrew)
    3. Engaging the community: positive solutions for inclusivity, village pride and achievement.
      • Newsletter – Ross
      • Website content – what action? (Jeremy email) Fantastic resource for the newsletter in the NRV report written by Pat and Janet. It would be good to publish the newsletter soon with the report included with a view to helping drive the Community Development Trust forward- most usefully for gathering community input for the trust ahead of the next date for The Pool (October 31). What do contributing parties think? Newsletter content would need to be in early to mid October for me to lay out and get printed, and we’d need someone to lead a village delivery team much like the resilience postcards (which the NRV may be able to help with).
      • Community Council representation at The Pool
      • Supporting the community planting/weeding  offer to match fund flower purchases and person needed to lead on support and develop planter sponsorship after Jason’s departure. Any volunteers?
  9. Reports
    1. Councillor’s – attending councillors – Midlothian Council update?
    2. Treasurer’s “Banking Signatory“
    3. MFCC (Jeremy) – no report will send minutes of September meeting when published. Jeremy asked for Liz to be added to circulation and will prioritise both of us getting to the next one.
    4. Planning Applications – John
  10. Correspondence
    1. Newtongrange Primary School now has – corona snake rocks (Jeremy email) Vicki Morgan is going to contact Jeremy when ready to take forward and Jeremy confirmed funds available to secure it and that we will take a community led plan about where to finally put it to MC for approval as and when.
    2. MC Climate Emergency (Jeremy email) meeting notes circulated and if the MFCC is otherwise represented – if anyone is interested in this please let Jeremy know?
    3. MTRaP communication (Jeremy email)  Jeremy asked to be included in correspondence.
  11. Any Other Business
  12. Date of next meeting


Ross Anderson

Ross Anderson

I'm involved with the Newtongrange Community Council because I want to help preserve the unique heritage, character & facilities of the village.

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