Minutes November 2024

The November 2024 NCC meeting chaired by Jeremy Addeley @ Newbattle Community Learning Centre.  The meeting captured community concerns and on-going issues. Fiona Clandillon, Midlothian Council, Head of Development, Midlothian Council discussed next steps for ‘the Pool Site’, other issues discussed were Springfield development, Crawlees, Community Garden, local issues and correspondence.

Members Present In Attendance




  • Ross Anderson (Minute Secretary)
  • Jeremy Addeley (Chair)
  • Lorna Leslie
  • Sarah Matthews (Secretary) 
  • June Robertson
  • Betty Wilson
  • Linda Anderson
  • John Muir (Treasurer)
  • Ian Hogg
  • Rebecca McCosh (Zoom)




  • Clr. Kelly Drummond
  • Clr. Douglas Bowen
  • Robert Mackie
  • Jim Crowe
  • Marion Brown
  • Stan Gowrie
  • Michael Robson
  • Bill Hunter
  • Nicole Liddle (Midlothian Council)
  • Fiona Clandillon
  • Clr. Stuart Mackenzie
  • Ena Maguire
  • Paddy Carstairs (Zoom)
  • Robert Mackie
  • David Hope
  • Fiona Horne
  • Marion Brown
  • Paul Johnson
See Agenda
  1. Welcome and introductions – 
    1. Apologies: Maureen MacRae, William Darling, Clr. Ellen Scott
    2. JA welcomed Fiona Clandillon, who introduced Clr. Stuart Mackenzie and Nicole Liddle to discuss ‘The Pool’ housing plans.
    3. State of Carrington Road (btwn. Cockpen Church & A7 “an absolute disgrace” tabled. Clr. Scott to discuss in the report
  1. Previous minutes October 2024 minutes : proposed by LL- seconded by JM
  2. Matters Arising – 
    1. Replacement Vice Chair remains an action. (JA)
    2. PC Jason McFarlane wants to know what are the priorities for commuity policing in the area. Action for NCC members to email SM secretary@newtongrange.org with suggestions..
    3.  Action for NCC members  to suggest 3 key roads or paths that need to be included (RA to check timescales & email list)
    4. Action for Councillors to look at whether The Sidings building, 23 Murderdean Rd, could be used and accessed by the community again Clr.Bowen to discuss in the report
    5. Action for NCC to keep agitating for getting the Lady Road Path tarred and accessible once more. Perhaps one of three key roads or paths Action to look at the Paths for All fund
  3. Main Street Update – Fiona Clandillon, Councillor Stuart McKenzie and Nicole Liddle
      • Feasibility study was required to get balance right. With ageing population, accessibility requirements for bungalow style housing
      • Midlothian Council has an ever growing additional housing waiting list and have announced a housing emergency to the Scottish parliament. With 2,000 extra people on the housing waiting list.
      • Midlothian Council shared initial designs form architects. Community input with 70+ people attending event at Newtongrange Library in June 24.
      • Results from completed surveys from consultation showed 30% agreement for need for homes for families; 33% homes for older people and 26% requirement for fully-accessible homes in the village.
      • Feedback from event was real concern about the removal of the community garden and small footprint of proposed library.
      • Pre-planning survey highlighted that the community garden site tended to be where water congregated. SEPA’s 1 in 200-year flood risk was considered and no residential buildings are to be considered at that site due to potential risk.
      • A community building i.e library can still be considered but currently the library/leisure centre proposal has been paused. RM felt it highly unusual that a community resource like a library/gym etc. could be considered appropriate in such a zone.
      • No immediate need to vacate the community garden site. FC “Not taking forward any proposals on the community garden site”
      • On hold at present until wider decisions are made regarding library proposals (Library services in Midlothian) after budget confirmed 2025/26. (Scottish budget Dec 24 – Midlothian Council Feb 25) 
      • The old swimming pool site is to be supported as residential & for older residents.
      • Proposed properties – modular housing for 18 properties. (budget approx. £6.4 million).Clr. M states ‘better quality housing – using standardised methods’. – reduce emissions – project timeline deadlines easier to meet, not constrained by the weather – minimal disruption to neighbours/neighbourhood. It also “give more bang for your buck”. 
      • Midlothian Council to procure a modular housing contractor with relevant expertise in sector.
      • Design considerations – look to consider the red brick & slate of surrounding buildings. Specify the outside with a brick finish/ brick skim for Newtongrange. An eg. is a veneer finish in properties in Dumfries & Galloway. Orange tint to houses in East Lothian.
      • Public realm at front of housing to remain “the same size as at the moment”.
      • Action for Clr M need to confirm 2 or 2 1/2 story houses. Parking bays are in the plans.
      • Concern raised about the fact Newtongrange is a model village based on Port Sunlight. 2 1/2 storey houses need to be appropriate and in character with the conservation of the village.
      • Clr D mentioned it would be beneficial to have brick cladding.
      • JM asked Clr M “What inquiries are you making about kit housing” – looking at 3 or 4 manufacturers in Scotland, with others in England and abroad. The companies do things differently – Wee House Company; Connect Modular; Enevate Homes were companies named.
      • Modular houses can have variations of attics/trusses or dormers. An option might be slated dormers in Newtongrange.
      • RM wanted a plan of what the modular housing process will look like.
      • JA asked if 3 dimensional representations can also be provided and to take note of the heritage of the village.
      • IH asked if they considered cable and electrics issues related to steel frame modular houses in the area.
      • Currently costing options with colleagues to replace the damaged hoardings.
      • Behind the church hall to be conventional build houses. Previous plan was to build 1 1/2 storey modular houses. 
      • Need to ensure that the community are getting consulted as this plan drastically different from consultation.



  4. Telephone box: After further assessment & discussion NCC do not wish to adopt the telephone box on Main Street.
  5. Midlothian Libraries digital inclusion project: RA informed group ofMidlothian libraries win funding for digital inclusion project | Midlothian Council and hoped that Newtongrange and Galashiels library would be involved and getting a library digital leaning station within site. RA also shared list of services that Newtongrange Library provide to the elected officials.
  6. Newtongrange Park – JR was in touch with Tam Finlay (TF) who has actioned improvements to paths and dangerous tree roots in the paths. TF mentioned the possibility of planting another tree for the centenary, perhaps where the overgrowing rose bush bed is by the main entrance. This idea is for NCC to consider. JR also mentioned that the Newtongrange Flyer issue is in the noticeboard. RM mentioned that the flying fox and see-saw in the children’s play park have been removed without any alterntive. Action for KD to investigate
  7. Correspondence – Resident raised issue regarding unemptied bins in the park. Clr B infomed meeting that there is already x2 weekly bin collections. He felt there is a real need for dog waste to be bagged in household waste. Especially when it is clear th bins are overflowing. Action for a coordinated social media post next year.
  8. Reports
    1. Councillor’s Report –  Clr Bowen – The ground floor (The kitchen was removed so there is no infrastructure @ the old Sidings site, 23 Murderdean Rd, Newtongrange, EH22 4PE according to Network Rail is open to offered regarding tenancy. A question was raised about where it is being advertised? More positive news regarding 5-11, Murderdean Rd, Newtongrange, EH22 4PB where the lands tribunal case appears to be settled but may take some time to be certified.
    2. Councillor’s Report –  Clr Scott – N/A – Action for SM to send to members
    3. Councillor’s Report –  Clr. Drummond – Informed meeting that regarding Crawlees Road the ward Councillors impressed on officers the traffic situation and requirement fr a need for new traffic survey. the need to call in the Lingerwood project as a major development to full council meeting. Springfield have submitted plans for the first 63 homes. Action for JA to provide phase 1 of the planning documents locally.
    4. Treasurer
      1. Financial figure – Still £1089.18 in the bank. Need all bills accounted for by 8/11/24. Action to look to apply for Midlothian Council small grant funding by next Friday
    5. MFCC – Action to look for volunteer to attend.
    6. Planning – JM resumed role nothing other than residential house extensions and dormers this month.
  9. Date of Next Meeting –  28th January 2025 at 6:30-8:30 pm, Location Newbattle Community Learning Centre and Zoom – register here
Ross Anderson

Ross Anderson

I'm involved with the Newtongrange Community Council because I want to help preserve the unique heritage, character & facilities of the village.

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