Agenda January 2021

Welcoming the members back for 2021: Newtongrange Resilience operations expand with the development of a Community Emergency Plan and Gritting Team and news from the Development Trust


7.00pm-9.00pm Tuesday 26th January 2021

Online and by phone- all welcome as always, fill in the event form to receive live link

  1. Welcome and apologies 
    1. Any member updates – news and activity 
    2.  Paperwork and nominations for Connor Wright
  2. Previous Meeting (November 2020) Approval/ Matters Arising
  3. Newtongrange resilience –  update Janet/Jeremy
  4. Community Development Trust – review of last meeting (Jeremy/Linda/June/Ross) 
    1. Next Development trust Zoom Tuesday 2nd March 7-9pm
  5. Local lock down issues
    1. Noticeboards – Funding from the MFCC approved, so we may need to keep the wheels turning on this and see if we can get that Park entry board replaced for Spring (Jeremy)
  6. Community resilience ideas 
    1. Planters is a good thing to follow up, something positive for spring – Jeremy
    2. Gritting team & procedures work by Harriet for future cold snaps – Jeremy
  7. 2021-22 Year Aims for NCC– On agenda for reference during wider discussion – opportunity to review and note early thoughts for the year.
    1. Protecting and improving services:
      1. Any development regarding Newtongrange Play Park Correspondence with Justin Venton regarding placement of 3 benches (Linda)
      2.  Could NCC also work with East Safety Camera Unit?
      3. Defibrillator update (Andrew)
      4. Neighbourhood Services codesign (Jeremy)
      5. Community Forum – exploration of new ways for engagement
    2. The Newtongrange Masterplan: ensuring community development remains at its heart and engaging business and the village in its progress
      1. Working group metting with Gareth Davies (Andrew)
      2.  Need to contact interested parties for working groups now that the Church development is starting to progress.
      3.  Do we want a situation like this or these new flats?
    3. Engaging the community: positive solutions for inclusivity, village pride and achievement.
      1. The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (Ross); Working with Robert Hogg (Mayfield CC) on possible promotion & heritage trail for Bryan’s area and beyond. (Ross/June/Jeremy)
  8. Reports
    1. Councillor’s – attending councillors – (brief overview of findings about how to manage without representation) Midlothian Council update?
    2. Treasurer’s 
      1. Banking/ Independent Review issues
    3. MFCC (Andrew) 
      1. Also from previous meeting: Core paths consultation  (Andrew)
      2.  Twenty mile an hour speed campaign?
    4. Planning Applications – John (Any movement by Grange Estates on Lingerwood Farm?)
  9. Correspondence
    1. Jo Dunlop/Carol Bryn – Pentland Plants primrose crop & sponsorship for planters converstion on Newtongrange Resilience facebook page.
  10. Any Other Business
  11. Date of next meeting
    • Tuesday,  23rd February  – see previous minutes


Ross Anderson

Ross Anderson

I'm involved with the Newtongrange Community Council because I want to help preserve the unique heritage, character & facilities of the village.

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