Minutes November 2020
The last digital NCC meeting of the year capturing community highlights and on-going issues. NCC membership recruitment for the new year needed with growing relationships with Midlothian Council, Federation of Community Councils and MTRaP. Plus next steps for Community Development Trust, rollout of the Newtongrange Flyer and the last ‘The Pool’ event of the year and other village issues.
Members Present | In Attendance |
See Agenda |
- Welcome and introductions –
- Apologies from Andrew Marshall & Cllr. Muirhead
- RA to investigate whether he has access to an electronic membership form for Janet, Connor and one other who have expressed an interest in joining NCC. JA stated a need to grow the membership to make it fully representative of the community. JM passed on details from an interested party to RA for future contact.
- Any member updates – news and activity JM communicated with Linda Lawrence of the British Legion regarding non-reply to letter sent regarding laying of wreath for Remembrance. NCC were represented on the Sunday and Wednesday. RA represented NCC to pay respects to Andrew Sharp. JR A7 drains have now been cleared and ramp crossings brought to our attention by Ron Campbell also cleared.
- Police Report 28/10/20-24/11/20
- 31/10/20 Wester Suttislea Terrace – officers on patrol observed a vehicle being driven at excessive speed & thereafter signalled it to stop. The driver was found to be in possession of an offensive weapon & a small amount of illegal drugs. He has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal.
- 12/11/20 Newtongrange Library – staff contacted police after finding a window smashed on the premises & cctv from 10/11/20 showing two youths causing the damage. Two local 13 year olds reported.
- 15/11/20 Gardiner Place- a fire call made by a member of the public instigated a fire & police service call. A male resident was found deceased within his dwelling .The fire appeared to have burnt out however the property was heavily smoke damaged & this may have been as a result of a dropped cigarette.
- A total of 93 calls for police to attend in the village for the time specified
- Of all crimes committed 62% have been solved to date.
- Theft from businesses in the area were from the CO-OP where on the 29/10/20 appx £80 of goods were stolen in one go and appx £90 of goods & fuel from the service station at Newton Loan Toll (separate incidents).
- In addition to calls re criminality, road traffic matters etc officers attended a high level of “concern for calls” numbering 17 in total. These calls vary from missing persons to individuals in crisis through mental health. These concern calls were in addition to 12 requests for officers to give general assistance.
- JA mentioned that due to lack of manpower a joint police report covering all of Midlothian for Federation meeting could replace individual CC reports. Midlothian poilice unable to use Zoom to join meetings.
- October minutes formally approved (proposed LA; seconded JR)
- For Matter Arising
- LA requested that approval of minutes moves to point 2 in agenda going forward. JA and RA to ensure that this happens for next Agenda.
- JA asked for help from members with the need for a full secretary to manage email account going forward.
- LW mentioned drains outside library & park. LW will report matter to Midlothian Council. CW mentioned disgrace of vandalised lights at library strewn all over vicinity. Wayne Clark to install new LED lights for library area.
- CW said Xmas light switch on is proposed for early December.
- JA held discussions with HT V.Morgan of Newtongrange Primary School happy to have corona snake permanently set in ground but still require volunteer for the actual work how can we get this resolved?
- JA still to get response regarding Dalhousie Road wall from Derek Oliver UPDATE, repsonse arrived post meeting with update relating to contacting STAR FC – have gone back to see if there is space for a wider proposal to tackle this with traffic calming measures and path improvement at the village entry – JA
- LA confirmed location of placement of three new benches (received correspondence from Justin Venton that MC currently have no spare metal benches for play and will now happen early next year. JD confirmed this was indeed the case.
- NCC Activity & Membership
- Funding – The Scotland Loves Local Fund: JA asked for a reason to engage with it? JR in contact with Stuart Pratt MC regarding repainting Welfare Park railings by community payback scheme. Stuart said this a perfect task we just need to supply paint. JR/LA action for next meeting to get approx. costing for paint with a target of Spring 2021. CW mentioned Mayfield Church was painted using the scheme.
- Further funding application in with Coop – see also 8(c) newsletter
- Newtongrange resilience – update from Jeremy/Janet.
- JA mentioned the next ‘The Pool’ event was on Saturday 12/12/20 likely 11AM-1PM with a festive theme if restrictions allow.
- LW mentioned ‘The Pool’ event 14/11/20 hosted by Village Voices (VV) created lots of interest, although with photographs & covid restrictions people unable to touch or see properly. VV sadly unable to open up and welcome new members until restrictions ease and back at Newtongrange Library
- AM mentioned NRV has short, medium & longer term aims for ‘The Pool’ site with improving the look of the hoardings a short term objection. Discussions with council & land owner over site another objective.
- NRV dedicated phone number: after discussion last meeting it was decided that continuing with the SWIFT number: 0131 6605000 was the best option & added to Newtongrange Flyer. JA said Stefan from Swift taxis is look for support and has already had calls which he directed to MC.
- Community Resilence/Emergency Plan from August JA to investigate with NRV if they wish to adopt this & get back for next meeting.
- Community Development Trust – review of proposals
- JD mentioned last push for survey needed to know what people would like in Newtongrange until it closes 30/11/20. RA to post on NCC and CW will post on Orchard Grange estate facebook pages. JA suggested paying for concentrated campaign on facebook which was agreed to. All NCC to participate if they can.
- JA discussed progress on constitution for CDT
- On 23/11/20 Objects of Association working group (Steering group) was held with JA participating.
- JA mentioned a spend of approx £30-40 (earmarked from NRV donations) to register a charitable company limited by guarantee (CLG) for CDT
- Next DT meeting on Zoom Tuesday 8/12/20 7-9pm.
- NCC involvement is important to help ensure good communication and representation between the community and the new organisation.
- Local lock down issues
- What are the repercussions of remaining in Tier 3 restrictions. How can we help local businesses like the Mining Museum and the Dean Tavern which has closed temporarily after much expense becoming covid compliant, with CW noting that the Dean installing screens.
- JR mentioned a possible testing centre at Edinburgh College is this a pop-up for students?
- Clr. Muirhead to check why JA’s email request for signage provision was denied.
- CW mentioned when MC are installing new LED lights for library, lights vandalised previously. A weather resistant community campaign banner could be erected focusing all of the need this festive period for mask wearing compliance and social distancing to help drive down infection and ease restrictions by moving down tiers.
- 2020-21 Year Aims for NCC– On agenda for reference during wider discussion
- Protecting and improving services:
- LA mentioned MC were late in cutting hedges but now have new machine for the process.
- JR mentioned vandalism of noticeboard in park. LA liaised with Justin Venton and glass has now been removed. JA mentioned MFED has funding available for such items as noticeboards and JA has made a note of interest. He also has contact details for local metalworker who can do the job. We need to keep noticeboards relevant & updated moving forward
- JA to discuss defibrillator monitoring with AM as he was not at meeting.
- The Newtongrange Masterplan: ensuring community development remains at its heart and engaging business and the village in its progress
- N/A as AM was not at meeting.
- Engaging the community: positive solutions for inclusivity, village pride and achievement.
- Newsletter – RA asked what the feedback has been from the community. LW said two neighbours gave positive feedback. JA asked members to get a quote from newsletter reader to help with NCC interactions going forward. MC informed JA that there will only be one year funding for newsletter. The intention is to approach the COOP who were interested in funding future issue. The approx cost per-issue is £500. Think about who might want to fund future issues and what content should be going forward. LA said “village folk wanted to know what was happening”. CW suggested a ‘Remember When’ section. CW also showed an interest in helping with social media in the future.
- Gorebridge “sales” brochure – JA shared this prior to meeting and asked if we need to produce something similar? For next meeting.
- Remembrance Day – JM laid wreath on 8/11/20. NCC were in attendance both days (8/11/20 & 11/11/20) and JR will write post about the day once more.
- Protecting and improving services:
- Council Reports
- Councillor’s – N/A
- NCC notes that Cllr. Munro has not attended any of the meetings in 2020 which should be part of their duties.
- Councillor’s – N/A
- Reports
- MFCC (Jeremy) – (JA report from zoom meeting Wednesday 18th November)
- A retiring member mentioned the enormous pride in the MFCC collective action. One shared voice and how CC managed the ongoing Covid challenges and offered skills & support to others.
- MFCC has some budget Community Councils can apply for funds for signage and noticeboards.
- Bonnyrigg and Polton CC have merged making it serve one of the biggest population areas .(approx 18,0000).
- Issues regarding Hunterfield Trust raised and whether elected council official should be on board. Cllr. Johnstone is on Dean Tavern Trust board.
- Midlothian Community Councils to be involved in participatory budgeting sessions.
- JA asked for more member participation with the MFCC meeting and a possible rotation of attendees. JA to ask AM about attendance in the future. JM and CW expressed an interest in the future, when membership is sorted.
- MTRaP – JA
- Library park lighting was raised and flagged for immediate replacement (policy due to vandalism) Keith Slight reports there is now 60% LED lighting in Midlothian with capacity to remotely turn lights up and down as needed conserving energy and reducing light pollution. Good achievement with the lighting staff down 40% and now have just two teams. UPDATE Replacement LED lighting for vandalised library lights 3/12/20- JA
- CAPEX prioritisation list of roads for 21/22 – NCC to list of roads and footways to be added to plan for prioritisation, opportunity to propose high priority works by identifying 15 roads & paths that require work and send to Derek Oliver. Some care needed in working out how to do this with the community and manage expectations (we had one done in prior year).
- JR agreed to her name being added to MTRaP meeting circulation.
- Core Paths Map and consultation The closing date for comments is Monday 14 December 2020.
- Planning Applications – JM highlighted 3 house extensions 36 8th Street, 29 Morris Road and 16 Jenks Loan. Harriet Hunter mentioned potential sale of Lingerwood Farm by Grange Estates. Action for JM and NCC to keep vigilant with regard to this development. JA mentioned MFCC concern with MC meetings (especially planning) being held being closed doors and there is follow up on video access
- Correspondence
- Ron Campbell objection to Spaces for people: Crawlees Road proposal. JA has heard no more regarded this matter.
- Harriet Hunter Lingerwood Farm (discussed 11f).
- Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 26th January 2021 at 7.00 pm Zoom TBC – register here
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