AGM Agenda February 2023 (for 2022)
7pm-8pm Tuesday 28th February 2023
Dean Tavern Lamp room – how to attend & directions
- Welcome & Apologies
- Approval of previous AGM minutes & matters arising
- Chair’s Annual Report
- Treasurer’s submission (Accounts – Independent Inspection)
- Nominations for new members
- Election of Office Bearers (existing not required until 2022)
- Chair (banking)
- Vice Chair (banking)
- Treasurer (banking)
- Minutes Secretary
- Secretary
- MFCC Represenative
- 2023 Year Aims (Masterplan, Park/School Centenary, Housing Developments, Tennis, NMMS Heritage)
- Date, Time and Location of Regular Meetings
- Proposals for moving the regular meetings
- Date of next AGM