Minutes May 2023
The May NCC hybrid meeting chaired by Andrew Marshall @ The Dean Tavern Heriot Room captured community concerns and on-going issues. Councillor’s reports were offered and discussion regarding the Newtongrange Masterplan, Midlothian Climate Action Group, Police Report and correspondence.
Members Present | In Attendance |
See Agenda |
- Welcome and introductions –
- Apologies John Muir, June Robertson, Rebecca McCosh, Betty Wilson, Cath Johnstone, Clr(s) Scott & Drummond, Sgt. Lindsay
- Previous minutes – April 2023 minutes : proposed LA – seconded LL
- Matters arising – Action for June Meeting agenda for NCC to create a mini-committee for progressing NMMS – Village (AM)
- Police report –
- SM emailed report
- PC McFarlane has now changed role.
- Ongoing issues with high value motorbike/bicycle theft which seems targeted.
- Noted that ‘speed checks’ have been operation and should continue.
- Action for RA to ask Sgt. Lindsay about community event held in McDonald’s Hardengreen on 28/04/23.
- LJ to report witnessed dog incident to the police. Already phoned RSPCA.
- Protecting and improving services:
- Lloyd’s Chemist Newtongrange branches – SM gave update that Lloyd’s are removing themselves from UK Market but no current time frame given. Clr. B suggested this might actually be a good thing. To have competition and ideally and enthusiastic independent type with a better service. A good e.g was Roslin Pharmacy. NCC reiterated that we definetely need a chemist in the centre of Newtongrange. Other Doctor led prescription services are not uncommon.
- Living well Locally: Putting Libraries at the Heart of Communities survey – RA questioned why only larger libraries Loanhead and Danderhall were entitled to paper copies of survey and why the super short turnaround 05/06/23. LA also concerned about confidentiality with the librarian helping to fill out your form.
- The Pool Site (Masterplan) Update – Clr. B informed meeting that Council have appointed architects to formulate a design brief for the pool area & the library site. LA mentioned that by chance Midlothian Council Planners on a site visit had informal meeting with Village Voices (VV) and another is to be arranged. LA stated that “planning realised they were very passionate about the beautiful village”. That discussions regarding the library had been held with Grace Vickers approx. 5 years ago and feels the village is being forgotten about. Clr B. confirmed that the VV meeting was mentioned in full council meeting and that obviously full public consultations will be part of the process. LL stated the need for the library to remain in the heart of the village, not to be forced to trek up to Newbattle High School. AM mentioned that the council were perhaps short sighted in not joining up with the church hall/library hub (replicate Loanhead 50/50% partnership) in a shared building. Clr. B stated that the church option was still a possibility.
- Noticeboard– LA contacted Wayne Clark regarding lighting up noticeboard in park. Still requires Connor Wright to source LED lights and install in the noticeboard and Chris King can get it connected. Linda has keys to the noticeboard. Action for LA to proceed. Action for JA to look for strip-light.
- Leisure Centre roof – LJ had reported issues with the Leisure Centre roof (glass sliding down) to Clr. Scott. The work is now being fixed. It was noted how busy the centre was on time of visit.
- Funding options – Last meeting LA/JR were asking about how groups might join up funding and source big project funding streams. LA noted there is funding available for park equipment (play park improvements). What about local advertisement on metal plaques around the village? This has also been discussed at MFCC. The hoardings are on Midlothian Council land so may have revenue implications. LJ mentioned the neighbourly app which NDT can set up to be notified of external funding opportunities
- Orbital bus study – SM went to Dalkeith
- Midlothian Orbital Bus Study event – SM went to Dalkeith event 5/6/23 which considered four options to connect Midlothian towns & villages better. The consultation including the A7 Gorebridge to A7 Danderhall improvement option. Talking points were the large cuts to Lothian Bus budgets and the new routes.
- Bus improvements – Derek Oliver, Director of Place Midlothian Council was to lok at this. No.48 bus now a single decker (single decker to reduce anti-social behaviour?). AM asked about the possibility of tram extension (go to hospital & up A1) to Dalkeith, Midlothian. Highlighting that something has to be done about the road network. Especially with 8,850 new housing target next year. Discussed how people living in Temple/Carrington need a car to drive to work etc. Morris Road, Bryan’s Road to Crawlees residents also have real issues getting a direct bus. Real requirement to get fair & directed developer contributions to improve the local public transport network. Clr. B advised that Midlothian Council are looking at council run bus service. LA mentioned the success of the old Post-Office bus to Temple.
- Newtongrange Primary School parking and outside tap – Once again the issue of cars on the school run was discussed. Despite parking attendants occasionally being present and many attempts at changing behavior the issue still remains. Action for Clr. B and AM to see how we can have a consultation similar to that at Kings Park, Primary School. LA also asked about reinstating the big painted footprints route to school. AM happy to contact Roads department. LJ asked Clr B about getting the school outside tap operational again, NGG are looking to maintain the planters/flowerbeds
- Change of name – Correspondent now has legal paperwork. Clr Scott dealing with this issue.
- Elderly support – Suggestion of the St David’s, Bradbury Day Centre who can provide one or two days support.
- Midlothian Climate Action Network – NCC agreed to be participants in shaping the hub. LJ had meeting with Sharon from MAEDT . NDT will now take the lead over issue.
- Reports
Councillor’s Report – Clr. Bowen read out:
- Discussion with Lothian Estates regarding the litter at Morris Road garages
- Sensory garden work will be finished in August requires warm weather for resin bound gravel. LA reminded meeting that the space was to be wheelchair accessible. The budget for all three ex-councillors was £30k. Are we getting value for money (enjoy plants, touch/smell etc.). Action for LA to email Justin Venton again regarding sensory garden.
- Clr. B said Council have exhausted all avenues regarding the bins at Murderedean Rd. NCC may have to contact residents or look to contact the development factor. AM action to create a flyer and leaflet drop residents.
- Butterfield/Orchard Grange mowing has been a contentious issue.
- NCC were incensed at the recent issues of council using weedkiller (too early) in the park and around the fence at the community garden. LA feels the worker need supervision as only 3 of the four beds of the War Memorial were done. NGG in dialogue with Midlothian Council regarding adoption areas to ensure weedkiller is never again sprayed near the bee friendly community garden. Tam Finlay mowed the Church grounds after a reminder from LA.
- Clr B mentioned that he would be willing to contribute environmental funds to either or both pavilion project just need to get in touch with suggestion. RA still waiting on Mark Kenmure regarding tennis pavilion pipe/flooding repair issues and lease. NDT currently formulating business case for change of use for pavilion and this note of interest includes the bowling land. LA asked Clr B about earmarking funding toward project
- NCC requested to see the ‘sensory garden’ breakdown of costs.
- Action still for JA to get striplight for noticeboard and contatc Clr B regarding any remaining environmental fund money asap.
- LJ investigating whether A7 wheel can still light-up. Check whether it simply need re–connected or completely fixed.
- LA concerned about the run off after heavy rain. It runs down Crawlees/Bryans Road and leaves it in a filthy state. SH informed meeting of the dust which has discoloured his property. This is a Roads department issue and AM has action to look into this. What is the aggregate properties and is this a pollution issue. Clr B let us know that Planning is not involved with the per lorry tax mentioned in the April meeting.
- Treasurer – Financial figure still £1,134.62 in bank. JM confirmed no new bank statement 30/05/23. Action for AM to check the online account
- MFCC – SM highlighted Midlothian Local Development Plan 2. SM to check with JA regarding any previous Newtongrange specific plan. The Newtongrange Library event on 25/05/23 was well attended. SM aims to attend the Penicuik event next Thursday 08/06/23. Action for AM to also contact JM on matter.
- Planning Applications – Mast extension for 4G @ Ryze.
- A.O.B – ‘Garden competition’ needs a date and categories. Aim to focus on food growing. LA handed RA a trophy for safe storage which can be used for the competition. LJ reported near accident at old crossing by ‘Nails by Nel’ at entrance to Coop. Am to catch up with Manager, Kelvin regarding the matter. LJ mentioning forthcoming Volunteer Scotland post regarding the new community garden by Get Growing Scotland. MM mentioned the plea from residents at Wester Suttislea prefabs to get a zebra crossing installed.
- Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 27th June 2023 at 7.00 pm, Dean Tavern Heriot Meeting Room and Zoom – register here