Agenda June 2023

Welcome to the June NCC meeting.  

Meetings are now held in person, by phone and online via Zoom – all welcome as always, please fill in the attendance form to let us know or receive the online link

Tuesday 26th of June 7-9pm @ Dean Tavern Function Room.

  1. Welcome and apologies  
  2. Previous Minutes (June) – Approval & Matters Arising 
  3. Any member updates – News and Activity
  4. Police Report
  5. Correspondence
    1. Parking and Traffic around Newtongrange Primary School 
    2. Sensory Garden 
    3. Single decker buses being used 
    4. Traffic in Crawlees Road 
    5. Dalhousie Road clean-up
    6. Twinning proposal- 50 year reunion Newtongrange Star /Doveren/Hückelhoven 
    7. Park pavilion updates 
  6. Reports
    1. Councillor’s – attending Councillors
    2. MFCC 
    3. Treasurer 
    4. Planning 
  7. Any Other Business
  8. Date and Venue of next meeting
    • Tuesday,  29th August 2023 7-9pm
    • The Dean Tavern, Function Room & Zoom 


Sarah Matthews

Sarah Matthews

After seeing the great work carried out by the Community Council during the pandemic I wanted to lend my skills and experience in order to make a difference.

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