Minutes November 2022

The November NCC hybrid meeting @ The Dean Tavern, The Lamp Room & on zoom captured community concerns and on-going issues. In person police report and discussion with Sgt. Michele Lindsay. Membership. Councillor’s reports were offered and further updates given by our Midlothian South, ward Councillors. 

Members Present In Attendance


  • Jeremy Adderley 
  • Andrew Marshall (Chair & Minutes) 
  • Linda Anderson
  • June Robertson
  • Catherine Johnstone (on Zoom)
  • Rebecca McCosh (part)
  • Clr. Douglas Bowen
  • Clr Ellen Scott
  • Clr. Kelly Drummond (on Zoom) 
  • Laura Joyce
  • Sgt. Michele Lindsay
  • Sandy Howden
  • Betty Wilson
  • Maureen MaCrae
  • William Hunter
  • Jim Crowe



See Agenda
  1. Welcome and introductions – 
    1.  Apologies on behalf of Ross Anderson & John Muir.
  1. Previous minutesSeptember 2022 approved: proposed by JA and seconded by AM.
  2. Police report – Sgt Michele Lindsay read out the report which RA circulated by email before meeting.
    1. Between 28/09 – 25/10 103 calls received to the Newtongrange area.

      -On Thursday 27th October 2022, Mayfield Industrial Estate, Police executed a warrant at a business premises which was successful. Enquiries are ongoing with those involved and items recovered.

      -On Thursday 27th October, Main Street, Police received a call from a member of the public regarding 2 male youths playing with a black bb gun. They were seen firing at the bus stop near to the Dean Tavern. The youths ran off and were last seen near to McDonalds at Hardengreen, but were untraced.

      -On Friday 28th October, A7 near Main Street, Police observed an intoxicated female being sick by the side of the road. On speaking with her it was established that she had been drinking underage at a house party in Gorebridge. She was conveyed to her parents address out with the area. Officers also attended the property in Gorebridge and there were no signs of a party.

      -On Saturday 29th October, Shell garage, A7, report from staff that a male topped a car up with fuel and didn’t pay. The vehicle was also displaying false plates. Enquiries ongoing.

      -On Sunday 30th October, Fourth Street, a resident called Police to report stones thrown at the rear of the property. No damage was caused and believed to be youths. Incident occurred around 5.30pm.

      -On Friday 11th November, A7 Newtongrange, Police observed a vehicle swerving over the road. On stopping the vehicle a smell of cannabis was noted coming from the vehicle. The driver was detained so both he and the vehicle could be searched. The driver was found to be in possession with a large quantity of cannabis and cocaine. The driver also failed the roadside drugs test and was arrested and conveyed to the Police Station where he was held in custody to appear at court.

      -On Wednesday 16th November, Shell garage, A7, report of a theft of fuel. Enquiries are ongoing.

      – Around 7.30pm on Saturday 26th November an LRT bus travelling along Suttieslea Road, Newtongrange had a window smashed after youths threw an item at it, thankfully the driver and passengers were not injured. Enquiries are ongoing to trace those responsible.

    2. Local discussion on dangerous use of motorbikes, within Welfare Park and Bryans Road. Sgt. Michelle Lindsay described how members of public can report and help identify individuals.
    3. Members highlighted speeding on A7 past station, number of near misses. Jim Crowe queried whether frequency of speed checks. 
  3. Protecting and improving services:
      1. The Pop-up-park – it was noted that the planters are now rearranged towards to hoarding. Expectation that hoarding will be removed in the near future as it’s now past it’s best.
      2. Wishlist for Newtongrange – AM confirmed that the signed off document will be issued to MC for their thoughts / use. 
      3. Lady Road path (top of Beeches to Newbattle High School). Clr. Douglas Bowen confirmed he has been progressing discussions with MC and pushing to get ownership and responsibility clarified.
      4. Street ramps for wheelchairs– Ongoing, JA has contacted Derek Oliver about this matter and is waiting on a response.
      5. Newtongrange Park – Cars parking on grass- JR raised matter and has action to contact Justin Venton reluctant to add more obstacles on grass, but will talk direct to football coaches. All present noted that park is looking excellent – well done Justin and team. Cath noted that cars are now parking on Galadale during football matches.
      6. Newtongrange Park – Noticeboard improvement – Halston Engineering have undertaken remedial works to the back of the noticeboard. Steel backing now in place, no light as yet. JA to pick-up with fabricator.
      7. Newtongrange Park – Sensory Garden & paths – Clr. B sent an email reminder to Justin Venton last month. This remains outstanding.
      8. Newtongrange Park – NCC Remembrance Day ‘laying of wreath’ JM congratulated in absence for laying wreath.
      9. Petanque – Looking to have WCs with disabled access. Sandy to give evidence to JA for funding stream.
      10. Todd the snake – JA has progressed and groundwork now complete. Plaque to be procured and a small opening ceremony to be arranged (subject to completion programme).
      11. The Jubilee beacon – JA still to collect beacon from Ron Campbell. Looks like Mining Museum might take it for future use.
  4. Reports

Councillor’s Report

Clr. Drummond

  • Pool site – potential funding.
  • Visits to primary school.
  • Laying of wreath at Gorebridge and at Miners memorial
  • Learning estate strategy presentation to be issued imminently – info on new high for Gorebridge.

Clr. Bowen

  • Gap site next to leisure centre – go ahead for community garden. Likely an NDT initiative, environmental funding is available potentially.
  • Costs of Pop-up park – Street furniture £50k, installation, design and tidy up circa £33k. All external funding to MC, within procurement rules.
  • Roads survey from Aecom, if approved, work may start in the new year. Prioritised with MC funding. NCC attendees keen to see report.

Clr. Scott

  • Noted that she’ll pursue MC on the main pool site and whether something can done about the rubble, either turfed over or tidied up.
  • Add report to minutes.
  • Visit to Newtongrange PS – blank playground.
  • Complaints regarding the chemist.
  • All three trying to address the temporary boards at The Pool

Queries to Clrs –

  1. LA – all MC consultation done online – can this be challenged by Clrs.?
  2. Doctors surgery – are the doctors still in the surgery?
  3. JA – additional membership to be raised in Clr surgeries.
  4. CJ – drainage and standing water on her street. Ellen Scott to raise
  5. BW – planning portal access, not accessible for non-computer literate community members. JA – the library should have assisted access. Clr. Scott to take this to MC.
  6. Jim Crowe – pavement at Mining Museum opposite Lingerwood cottages. Uneven surface and full of mud. MC have been contacted, but no long term improvement has been made. Can this be on a schedule.
  7. Bus stops – Betty Wilson raised a lack of bus to the top of Newtongrange. All agreed this is a backwards step in service. Cath noted that herself and Jim Muirhead undertook a lot of work to try and rectify this.
      • Treasurer – Financial statement is £1,999.77 in bank. Petanque cheque recieved.
      • MFCC – N/A.
      • Planning Applications – note that Hamilton Crescent planning application refused. 
      • Correspondence Pavement to be dropped at top of Station Road.
      • AGM – AGM 31st January 2023 at 7pm, Dean Tavern Lamp Room. RA to publicize with printed posters and online Facebook post. Discussion on bringing a new face to increase office bearers – noted that NCC has a good number of members, but secretary role remains unfilled.
      • A.O.B

        William Hunter – raised that football match at the time of remembrance service felt not quite right. 2 minute silence was observed, but play recommenced whilst service was held. Dalkeith thistle – let after 12pm next year?

        Sandy – Springfield – additional coal seam investigation ongoing.

        Laura – derelict building at Station possibly being used a sleepover spot. Park is being used as a public toilet. Highlight to community policing team.

        Rebecca – cobbles around miners wheel at top of the village are loose and potentially dangerous.

  1. Date of Next Meeting – AGM Tuesday 31st January 2023 at 7.00 pm, Dean Tavern Lamp Room and Zoom – register here




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