Minutes February 2020
For the February meeting we were joined by both Councillor Johnstone & Muirhead to discuss Newbattle Practice e-consult, Welfare Park, tubs, crime prevention, buses, newsletter plans and noticeboards the topics.
7pm-9pm Tuesday 25th February 2020
Members Present | In Attendance |
- Welcome and apologies – JA welcomed Clr.s Johnstone and Muirhead. Apologies received from James Smith (Secretary), Lorna Stephenson, Andrew Marshall, Margaret Evans, John Muir, Gillian Cousins and PC Brian McGuff (now Liason Officer for Midlothian Police). 1(ii) MC rep re LRT Karl Vanters unavailable.
- Police Report N/A will be emailed 26/2/20 to JA for distribution for members (ii) Items of Note Crime prevention event on 27/2/20 1-3PM @ COOP Newtongrange. JA posted on facebook.
- Minutes of Previous Meeting/Matters Arising January minutes appoved Greta Higginson and Justin Venton name change & dupcation.(MM needs hardcopy) RA
Parking concerns & re-introduction of Park Smart Programme JF contacted Gillian Bathgate/David Kenny & asked if they would attend future meeting but has had no response. Clrs. J&M to investigate this and old swimming poll site for parking, Kings Park PS use Morrison’s for drop-off. Other matters discussed one-way systems, traffic warden priorities, NPS senior pupils noting inconsiderate parking and road closures during drop-off time. Clr M confirmed a zebra crossing will be installed on 6th Street near school (due to concerns from NPS & parents questionnaire) on 6/3/20 and sent confirmation email to JA/RA.
AM confirmed that he had written to Mary Smith regarding end of weed killer use – response is still outstanding. RA to post weed killer webpost from Midlothian View to minutes http://www.midlothianview.com/news/weed-killer-plea/. JA thanked RA & JF for providing social media posts. - Councillor Johnstone report Newbattle Medical Practice e-consult has been raised by MSPs Colin Beattie & Christine Grahame at First Minister questions see http://www.midlothianview.com/news/newbattle-surgery-payfc-buses-and-traffic/ . Clr J has had 9,000 hits on facebook & annonymous calls regarding the issue. She requested a meeting with the Practice Manager which has been cancelled at the last minute & all three Midlothian councillors have requested another meeting urgently TBC. If unsuccessful they will raise it with Morag Barrow (Chief Officer – Midlothian) or IJB https://www.gov.scot/publications/roles-responsibilities-membership-integration-joint-board/. Issues discussed Midlothian has a large number of young people with chronic illness and many worry about downgrade of disability allowance. The many old people not on the frailty register who are unable to use e-system. JF mentioned negative imapct of downplaying illness. Complaints about the e-system; length of time & cost of the phone system; having to go to A&E unnecessarily; manipulation of the system recommended. Clr J recommended we all look out for our older neighbours as wellbeing and loneliness are often intelinked. JA looking out for your neighbour, perhaps asking if they are struggling with tidying garden etc. Which could in turn be part of Stuart Pratt, Unpaid Work Officer Community Payback Scheme (CPS) (CPS for park railings & newsletter) https://www.midlothian.gov.uk/news/article/2742/unpaid_work_pays_off_for_local_youth_project Councillor Muirhead report The budget is balanced but “with some pain” (working settlement 1% cut). The increase in council tax is 4.84%. The 3 year plan will see significant shortfall in year 2&3. With a potential 17% cut in Capital funding and freeze in capital spending.
- Constitution update MC legal were still to rubber stamp our change to constitution to maximum of 16 members. RA passed forms for Linda and Lorna to complete.
- 2019-20 Year Aims for NCC 0) Protecting and improving services: Valentines Welfare Park Walk 14.2.20 with Justin Venton (JV). LA highlighted the key points from email correspondence with JV. “The council will ensure the flower beds at the war memorial are weeded and looking good for VE day on 8.5.20. We will prune the shrubs in the park in the next 4 weeks & give the beds a litter pick and tidy. Brambles will be removed. (by 16.3.20) LA/JR/FB to monitor progress. I can confirm we will continue to provide floral displays at War memorials and maintain these”. JA action for social media What’s-On Newtongrange “We would appreciate any community involvement in getting the railings painted and hope you will pursue getting some ‘community service’ involvement” JV. (JR/LA/FB Stuart Pratt CPS ). “We would appreciate anything that you can do to maintain the tubs in the main street”. (JF to coordinate already posted on facebook and created a good amount of interest in volunteers group and sponsors). Clr J to mention tubs at Dean Tavern meeting. 1) Bus Service Action: Clr J & M to try & contact Karl Vanter’s Principal Officer Transport, with regards to how community can be involved in LRT/Borders Bus service i.e 33/48 bus. Clr’s to investigate whether a record is kept of buses being full and not picking up passengers. 2) Public safety: the reduction in opportunistic crime and antisocial behaviour JA led on a converstion relating to the 4 conversation session he went to recently. Key points we must report as you do not need to question whether it is a crime. More reports help police move resources around. JA asked us what we would do if they someone getting “harassed”, police would advice you not to confront, unless you feel safe to do so. You are entited to take photos if you feel someone is up to something. What best to do is concentrate on the victim, not perpetrator, this often diffuses situation. JF mentions you can still call 999, don’t be complacent do report! JA use for newsletter 3) The Newtongrange Masterplan: ensuring community development remains at its heart and engaging business and the village in its progress
Update from AM email:
Swimming pool site
• potential parking for the school appears feasible. (Clrs to follow-up)
• I’ve spoken to a Landscape Architect – creating a grassed area is pretty expensive, circa £5000. Might be nice?
• Wildflower planting is a little less, circa £4000. No maintenance?
The newsletter is key to getting everyone we can evolved – the action sits with me to draft something for comment AM
JA went to NMMS’s ‘Mining Ahead’ Master Plan consultation organised by Metaphor https://www.metaphor-design.co.uk/. JA mentioned the disconnect between village and museum. The swimming pool site might prove a perfect place to promote the shared heritage of both. JA keep in contact with Nicola Moss
JA and Gareth Davies (GD) going to Greenspace Scotland “ParkPower” conference 26/2/20. The ideas relate to a scheme at Saughton Public Park in Edinburgh used as a pilot but only to heat buildings within the park see https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-51588500 .JA report back March meeting
Welfare Park
JR mentioned that she has had no contact with GD regarding steering group that JR, LA & FB are keen to join. JR mentioned concern of losing green space with potential Masterplan community building in old bowling green, tennis courts area. The potential increase in size of Newtongrange PS/Nursey was also highlighted.. Nursery extension last time park space used. A new community centre was not in the village Masterplan.
JA highlighted the need to replace the noticeboard in Welfare Park, costs prohibitive would be expensive to replace discussed matter with Ron. Partnering with NMMS to use de-accessioned object or local sculptors to create something visually attractive and informative to be considered. Clr J to enquire. JA keep in contact with Nicola Moss
7. Newsletter JA provided a few printed cover page examples of what the first newsletter could look like. RA summarised what the key points were from January post-it note. RA posted on website regarding feedback exercise see https://newtongrange.org/nitten-matters-a-newsletter-for-the-whole-of-newtongrange/. The paper newsletter campaign promoting NCC which will catch every resident in Newtongrange over 3 years to be worked up by JA, AM & RA. RA asked for feedback from attendees for what they thought should be included in the issues. JA suggested extracting current website content & community group information would make it quicker to produce JA costing up mailing and printing cost. Ross Lyall Newtongrange PS (Community Explorers Group) confirmed to help with the mailing. We need a bi-fold structure and easy to read 12-14 type minimum. FB suggested a slip for suggestions inside newsletter to deposit in library box (January minutes). Newsletter to promote LA’s friendship group JA
8. Reports Councillors – Clrs J & M agenda 4.. (ii) Treasurer – no change. (iii) Health & Social Care – nominations N/A. (iv) Federation of Community Councils – Report from JM in JS absence notes will be sent along with M-TRAP meeting for RA to add to website.
- VE Day Friday 8th May (i) NCC hope to align with Caroline Duncan – 21st Midlothian Newtongrange Scouts event in the Scout Hall. JF JS plans to do an article relating to VE Day for website. Village Voices has offered to help Scouts. JR/LA/FB. Defibrillator maintenance (ii) JA sent email to NCC regarding cover during JS absence from role. (iii) JA going to Funding Fair 11/3/20 https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edinburgh-funding-fair-tickets-88675385465 JA report back March meeting. (iv)
- Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 31st March 2020 at 7.00 pm at Newbattle Community Learning Centre
I think I offered thanks on yours and Jason’s social media up keep going forward- really appreciate that so please include. Maybe just formatting to do which I can help with on the weekend. Otherwise good to go to take minutes public from me Ross, great job- busy and productive meeting to stay on top of.