Minutes September 2024
The September 2024 NCC meeting chaired by Jeremy Addeley @ Newbattle Community Learning Centre. The meeting captured community concerns and on-going issues. Police and Councillor’s reports were offered and discussion regarding the Masterplan, Crawlees, Community Garden, local issues and correspondence.
Members Present | In Attendance |
See Agenda |
- Welcome and introductions –
- Apologies: Maureen MacRae, Rebecca McCosh, Rob Joyce and Clr. Bowen
- Tennis update tabled.
- Engagement & Transport commitees tabled Item 5.
- Previous minutes –August 2024 minutes : proposed by LA – seconded by WD
- Matters Arising –
- Replacement Vice Chair remains an action. (JA)
- PC Jason McFarlane wants to know what are the priorities for commuity policing in the area. Action for NCC members to email SM secretary@newtongrange.org with suggestions.
- SM emailed neighbouring CC’s – Gorebridge, Mayfield/Easthouses regarding NWH. Clr S to provide update on NWH.
- Clr Scott, NCC members, PTA and others invited to meet up at the Newtongrange Primary School on Monday 30/9/24 @ 5PM. The aim to see if there is an area within the vicinity of the playpark. that could be used for a safe playground space for children. For insurance purposes Clr. Scott suggested perhaps fencing required to secure the area? P6-7 currently allowed supervised access to the playpark. Action fo SM to coordinate.
- The Crawlees Road hedging has been done but it is still very high in places. Still have not done right of way.
- Action for Clr. Scott regarding = Consultation regarding parking on 6th Street
- Police report & MCAT Activity Report for August 2024 – circulated to members – 122 calls to the police over period 27/8/24 – 24/9/24. A query was mentioned about a police stop and frisk, near Galadale which did not appear to be in the report. Loud bangs during last week during the afternoon and early evening. The meeting thought it might have been a quad bike or motorized vehicle.
- Councillor’s Report – (see below 9. Reports)
- Commitee Progress – Accessibility Concerns in Newtongrange – IH and PJ verbal agreement to be part of the Moving Around Committee sub. group this to make areas more accessible within the area
–- to try and address the barriers to access from unsuitable drop kerbs, tree roots in the park, school access by wheelchair/mobility scooter and toilets in the park with appropriate doors.-
- Agreement of a proposal that Ian and Paul Johnson, convene a group to explore concerns highlighted above.
- Ideally the group would include a range of representatives, Community Council, CLLE, Newtongrange Development Trust and others.
- This activity would inform the next steps for concerns to be addressed.
- Engagement Committee: New Newsletter to be published 4 pages in total, replicating the style of the old NCC The Grange publication. Contents to be approx 200-300 words. Action for JA to provide a Chairs Report. SM would welcome input from members. Whether you have an article ready, a group that should be involved, or have an idea but do not want to write it yourself get in touch with secretary@nms.ac.uk. SM aiming to have first draft ready by end of October. Invite to the NCC meeting with Gillian Rankin, Marketing @ National Mining Museum Scotland on 27/9/24 to discuss future big local events and create better networks. Action for RA to report back at next meeting,
- Any members updates – Action to formalise Ian Hogg’s membership next meeting.
- Correspondence – Stan Gowrie is the Poppy Scotland Area Organiser for Newtongrange/Gorebridge wanted to know of some ideas of how to increase donations. Issues with very few people having physical cash now. SG continues to do local store events but contactless payment machines are not the simple solution. RA suggested attending the local football matches prior to Remembrance Day where the supporters tend to have cash. Contact – Secretary or Minute Secretary for contact details. Action for JM to ask RM is she will lay the NCC wreath on Remembrance.
- Reports
- Councillor’s Report – Clr Bowen sent to members by email.
- Councillor’s Report – Clr Scott – With regards to working hours @ NWH. The hours of activity are Monday – Friday 7am-6pm & Saturday 7am-5pm. There are no limits on the size of the vehicles. There are new information boards on the public toilets to say they are closed. The closure was after the 2023/24 budget saving proposals. Currently no plans to re-open, despite real need as the facilities are really important. The Midlothian Education Transport Review consultation is about to start. The school buses are running 1/2 empty and very costly service to run, now into millions. Clr S felt the budget should be spent where it is needed most. Clr S to meet with Judy Thomson to look at the current condition and safe walk routes to Mayfiled Primary School. Action for NCC to keep agitating for getting the Lady Road Path tarred and accessible once more. Action to look at the Paths for All fund. Regarding paths and roads. PJ highlighted the syrvey for community priorities that feeds into the 2025/26 roads programme. A decision on where to improve the condition of the road/pathways. Action for NCC to suggest 3 key roads or paths that need to be included for next meeting. Next MTRAP meeting 14/10/24 6-7:30pm MTRaP is sub group of Midlothian Federation of Community Councils and works with arange of national and local organisations to influence the development of issues such as Active Travel, Core Paths provision and wider transport related issues in Midlothian. That still needs a representative from NCC. A priority issue is the safe crossing near the Sun Inn on Dalhousie Road, which was highlighted as an issue in the Local Place Plan is still to be addressed.
- Councillor’s Report – Clr. Drummond – N/A
- Treasurer –
- Financial figure – Still £1,181.57 in the bank. Still waiting on school sign cost.
- MFCC – MFCC agreed to pay for copyright image dispute. No action requiref for NCC Action for SM to share document with group when appropriate.
- Planning – JM to resume role nothing other than residential house extentions and dormers this month.
- AOB -Derek Oliver has been in touch with LTA & Sportex regarding tennis resurfacing of courts in Newtongrange park. With the ambition to get them resurfaced this year. There is a need to champion with Schools and Active Schools Midlothian. Clr Scott was very enthusiastic about here Pickleball session in Gorebridge. New primary school sign has been printed and ready to unveil at playpark yellow gate /covid snake entrance. Regarding next steps for Newtongrange Masterplan Action for Clr Scott to invite Fiona Clandillon to future meeting. SM highlighted serious issue with changing table facilities @ Newtongrange Leisure Centre.
- Date of Next Meeting – 29th October 2024 at 6:30-8:30 pm, Location Newbattle Community Learning Centre and Zoom – register here