Minutes August 2024

The August 2024 NCC meeting chaired by Andrew Marshall @ Newbattle Community Learning Centre.  The meeting captured community concerns and on-going issues. Police and Councillor’s reports were offered and discussion regarding the Masterplan, Crawlees, Community Garden, local issues and correspondence.

Members Present In Attendance



  • Andrew Marshall (Vice Chair)
  • Ross Anderson (Minute Secretary)
  • Jeremy Addeley (Chair)
  • Lorna Leslie
  • Sarah Matthews (Secretary) 
  • Robert Joyce
  • June Robertson
  • Sandy Howden
  • Rebecca McCosh (Zoom)
  • Betty Wilson
  • Linda Anderson
  • John Muir (Treasurer)



  • Ian Hogg
  • William Darling
  • PC Jason McFarlane
  • Clr. Kelly Drummond
  • Clr. Douglas Bowen
  • Clr. Elen Scott
  • Robert Mackie
  • Jim Crowe
  • Marion Brown
  • Michael Robson
  • Stan Gowrie
See Agenda
  1. Welcome and introductions – 
    1. Apologies: Maureen MacRae
    2. Andrew Marshall will be stepping down as Vice Chair and this will be his last meeting. NCC showed there appreciation & gratitude for all the  work he has done over his 8 years with the Community Council. Action for JA to look for new Vice Chair.
  1. Previous minutes June 2024 minutes : proposed by JR – seconded by LL
  2. Matters Arising – 
    1. Action for AM: Pavement area beside the old Ruts building still an issue and needs to be cleared. JC phoned Midlothian Council about matter 27/8/24.
    2. Action for SM to pursue MFCC meeting agenda item with Gorebridge CC and Mayfield/Easthouses input regarding NWH operations in Newtongrange
    3. AM informed meeting he received no response regarding vape shop frontage. Action to send to councillors regarding issue
    4. AM informed meeting that in regards to Ron Campbell’s defib request. Pads and batteries have been replaced and defibs are re-registered and back on the website. JM mentioned that there is a new defib on 7.th St (not NCC responsibility). Action requirement for defib rep to replace AM
    5. SH has action to look at next steps in proposal to establish Twinning with Lewarde region, France. Already contacted French Embassy/British Council but as yet has had no response.
  3. Police report – circulated to members & delivered by PC Jason McFarlane – 240 calls to the police over period 26/6/24 – 27/8/24.  Key Issue discussed in report – NCC felt there has been a rise in house breaking. PC M informed meeting that a House Breaking Team has been formed.  Sheds with high value items continue to be targeted and high-end vehicles have been stolen around Midlothian. Holidaymakers on occasion appear to have been targeted (possible contacts informing the gangs). Perpetrators constantly adapting practices and are storing items outwith Midlothian. It is still considered useful to have a unique security number on items that can be searched on the stolen property database.  PC M will inform Secretary if there are any developments.
  4. Councillor’s Report – (see below 12. Reports)
  5. Paths and Rights of Way – It has been confirmed by Gillian Bathgate, Senior Roads Officer that the path is not suitable as a “Safer Route” to school. The conclusions were that this would not be progressed at this time as it’s very costly (length, lighting, gradients, etc.) and there are alternative routes available which are not as remote and would be considered more desirable for primary aged pupil use.  It was decided that available funding would be better utilised on these other routes.  A simple cut-back of shrubbery etc. would not be sufficient for us to promote this as a recommended route”.


    Accessibility Concerns in Newtongrange –- IH provided a paper with regards to barriers to access from unsuitable drop kerbs, tree roots in the park, school access by wheelchair/mobility scooter and toilets in the park with appropriate doors. He is currently looking to liaising with disability & access officer, Midlothian Council. 
    • Meeting at the Park entrance opposite the Dean Tavern
    • Tuesday 3 September – 10 o’clock
    • Thursday 5 September – 10 o’clock
    • Friday 6 September – 10 ‘clock
      • Agreement of a proposal that Ian and Paul Johnson,  convene a group to explore concerns highlighted above.
      • Ideally the group would include a range of representatives, Community Council, CLLE, Newtongrange Development Trust and others.
      • This activity would inform the next steps for concerns to be addressed.


      Proposed meeting dates\times (approximately between 1 – 2 hours) these dates and times are TBC. Action for RA to put on social media once confirmed.

  6. Lady Road pathway – The section from Newbattle Community Learning Centre to Reid Drive is nearly impassible and is a health & safety risk . It is imperative that a safe route to the new Easthouses Primary School. Action for Clr Bowen to get in contact with Midlothian Council / Lothian Estates clearly stating the need to clear the paths.
  7. Garden competition 2024 – 10 entrants with really good geographic spread. Photos and further information on facebook pages of Newtongrange Community Council and Newtongrange Guerrilla Gardeners.
  8. Correspondence – N/A to discuss.  SM action to get back to correspondents
  9. Reports
    1. Councillor’s Report –  Clr Bowen Regarding the Newtongrange Residential Neighbourhood Development the Midlothian Council Development team are exchanging views with the Planning dept. This in preparation for a Stage 2 report. The ward Councillors made  clear that a new or altered ‘Community garden’ site must be identified. Lady Road Path was walkable but deemed not fully accessible and not suitable as a safe route to school see above 5. Paths and Rights of Way. The main section of the path ie between Reed Drive and the “junction” of paths behind the new Easthouses PS is owned and is the responsibility of Lothian Estates. The remaining section leading to Easthouses Road is the responsibility of the Council. Along with Councillor Scott, I have walked along the whole of the footpath and found it to be in an acceptable condition  for a “ country path”. The section behind the house in Reed Drive is accessible. Apart from continuing to arrange for cutting -back when necessary, I do not think that any further action can be taken. Clr B was pleased to report that his efforts to have NPS chosen for this year’s School Streets scheme have succeeded.  I will meet soon with the relevant officers to ascertain the “timetable” for progress. I assume that the first step will be some form of consultation & further details will be announced at a later date. Clr B has meeting to discuss Crawlees Road and NWH with Peter Arnsdorf,  Midlothian Council Planning, Sustainable Growth and Investment Manager, Place Directorate. The issue raised was the anomalies with the number of vehicles in the traffic survey in 2020/2021 and the current situation which Robert Mackie, Sandy Howden and now Stan Gowrie (SG) – counted 15/7/25 740 vehicles & 16/7/24 502 vehicles on Crawlees Road) highlighting that the figures have nearly doubled.  This was in Covid, “but was taken into account”. Next option would be the insistence on an updated survey. With a proposed meeting of Ward 5 & 6 Midlothian South and East Councillors the suggested best option. Another issue discussed was the possibility of a retrospective enforcement action. PA mentioned the possibility of it being a technical breach but it is not expedient for Midlothian Council to take further action.  Clr B suggested that NCC may need to proceed with looking at getting suggested safeguarding route reinstalled in future plans. SG also asked about rerouting the path of Crawlees Road away from the houses. The hedges also need cut. Concerns raised about the amount the size, weight & number of NWH & other lorries in the vicinity. Clr D suggested there is currently no restriction to the number of lorries used in NWH operations. However, any further planning application will look to ensure that maximum numbers are specified. Clr B. awaiting to hear from the relevant planning officer regarding monitoring of the volume of traffic, dust, mud and noise emanating from the site. Regarding Crawlees Road issues the best action is to keep reporting problems with roads and streets to Wayne Clark & cc the three ward Councillors. Newbattle HS and a number of other schools are reaching/reached capacity. Issue regarding Morris Road garages. Clr B has sent a reminder to Lothian Estates asking for their proposals to clear up the site and re-develop. Regarding issue of Murderdean Road derelict building – no reply from owner of building to reminder. Unfortunately, progress is unlikely until the legal dispute with Network rail is resolved.             

    2. Councillor’s Report –  Clr Scott – Suggested contacting Tam Crawford Environmental Health Warden (Midlothian) with regards to clearing hedges in the area. Although, agreed that Lady Road Path was not suitable for the school commute.Clr S reported lots of flooding at Liney Dyke, near 6th Street (currently waiting on environmental reports. Clr. S hopes to proceed with a meeting with community groups in Newtongrange play park. The purpose see if there is a corner in the park that can be used to expand much needed playground facilities as kids are currently constrained. P6/7 currently get use of the playpark facilities. Action for SM to help coordinate. A piper was at hand to pipe in pupils/staff into the school on the first day of Easthouse Primary School. The pupil roll will build up over time. The Education placement appeals process is Midlothian schools have reached capacity (Newbattle reached capacity), parents/carers should be aware that although their children attend nursery at a particular school, nurseries are not catchment based, but when transitioning to P1 places are catchment based. Barleyknowe Road, Gorebridge considered for potential High School site. AM suggested that there are often only six styles of school designs. Newabttle inspired by Eastwood  Unlikely to use a bespoke site. It causes parents/carers a great deal of distress to find out that their child does not have a place in a particular school as they are out of catchment and the school is full. Midlothian Council to consider the Scottish government mobile phone school guidance
    3. Councillor’s Report –  Clr. Drummond – Concern raised about other capital plan commitments with the New Beeslack school gets backing of majority of consultees – Midlothian View expected to cost 120 million + (with the Labour group moving for a continuation). Still waiting on Newtongrange Primary School report to see what Category it has been graded. The ward councillors have made it aware that it is the centenary of the school next year. Discussion about the need for more appropriate bungalows as current statistics reveal 18.3% of the population are elderly but house buiders appear to deem them as not cost-effective. With decison to scrap 
    4. Treasurer
      1. Financial figure – Still £1,264.57 in the bank. £540.80 spent (for new defib. batteries & pads AM actioned) & £83 (for Newtongrange garden competition 2024 SM actioned) 
    5. MFCC – No MFCC meeting till September. RA attended an additional Meeting to discuss  the Review of Community Council scheme document. Paul Johnson and three other MFCC reps have discussed and amended since June 2024. Action for SM to share document with group when appropriate.
    6. AOB – Midlothian Council received funds of £175,000 which will be used for two new rural bus services.  One will potentially service Gorebridge [Dalkeith, Pathhead, Gorebridge?] and one will service the Auchendinny area for a period of 2-years. The exact routes and how often they will run is not known yet.Midlothian Council are looking at getting two new bus routes connecting Bonnyrigg & Auchendinny with our ward. —– Why are the public toilets closed in Midlothian? SG referenced Gorebridge & Dalkeith. The situation is different in East Lothian. ——- Michael Robson discussed current situation regarding tennis resurfacing of courts in  Newtongrange park. Action for  JA to contact Derek Oliver to get a meeting arranged.
  10. Date of Next Meeting – 24th September 2024 at 6:30-8:30 pm, Location Newbattle Community Learning Centre and Zoom – register here 
Ross Anderson

Ross Anderson

I'm involved with the Newtongrange Community Council because I want to help preserve the unique heritage, character & facilities of the village.

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