Agenda June 2019

1. Apologies:

John Muir

2. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
  1. Amendment to Agenda: increase membership from 11 to “Maximum of 20”
3. Housing and Planning – Grant McKay
  1. Narrative TBC
4. Police Report
  1. Overview and Trends 
  2. Items of Note – Report on community event
  3. Discussion Points
5. Minutes of Previous Meeting/ Matters Arising
6. Year Aims for NCC:
  1. updates from leads
  2. NCC Member Champions: lead/support/communicate on existing projects
  3. any further proposed projects?

Outcomes for the NCC and selected projects as brought forward:

  1. Protecting and improving services: ensure services like the library are valued by all stakeholders by improving relevance, inclusivity and cost effectiveness
    • Library and Leisure Centre inclusion in Village Masterplan – AM
  2. Public safety: the reduction in opportunistic crime and antisocial behaviour”
    • Community Lockdown Events – JA/BM 
    • School Parking – supporting other groups to find a solution – JF
  3. The Newtongrange Masterplan: ensuring community development remains at its heart and
    engages business and the village in its progress;
    • NCC Masterplan engagement – AM
  4. Engaging the community: positive solutions for inclusivity, village pride and achievement.
    • Fly-tipping Newbattle and Dalhousie Rd – JA
    • Flowerbeds, turn their retention into a project for business and community groups – JF
7. Newtongrange Neighbourhood Plan
  1. Brought forward from last – PJ
8. Reports
  1. Councillor’s – Kieron, Jim and Catherine invited specifically to attend/contribute on Masterplan “approval” expected June 24th

  2. Treasurer (none- apologies from John Muir)

  3. Health & Social Care

  4. Federation of Community Councils – JS attended 15th

  5. Planning for Change Consultation 

  6. Funding Applications (too soon for update form JA)

9. Correspondence/ Items raised by the wider community
  1. Newtongrange Masterplans – Stobhill and Village Centre 

  2. Redirect on gmail email to

  3. And any members skilled in social media? How can members feed into this process.

10. Any Other Business


11. Date of next meeting

Tuesday 27th August 2019 – No July Meeting (Summer Break)

Jeremy Adderley

Jeremy Adderley

I'm involved with the Newtongrange Community Council because I want to preserve our status as a proud village and ensure residents have a say in local development

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