Summer Flower Bed Planting
It’s just great to see people getting together socially and enjoying taking care of the village. The boys know what a weed is now and know they can just pull them out when they are passing!
Jason Ferry
Organised by the NCC, and despite really short notice with a windfall of plants, 15 fantastic Nitten volunteers made a start on the village planters distributing nearly 200 plants and a load of love into the square around the library and the forlorn site of the old pool.
It was a beautiful morning for it. In the warmth the sun was thankfully kept a little at bay which helped maintain everyone’s stamina, as did some ice-lollies. What was really gratifying was seeing how rapidly so many helping hands of all ages transformed the beds -we had kicked a sizeable hole in the work within 30 minutes and although some volunteers could only give an hour, it really made a difference and I can’t convey enough how good much a little graft for your village makes you feel.
Big thanks to Linda for providing organisational intelligence and of course to all who knuckled down and Jo for the treats.
We know the beds are going to be an ongoing issue, with Midlothian Council only expecting to maintain the memorial ones, so it is important to look at long term solutions. Some have been shown some love independently already, if you are doing that, please let us know.
Off the back of this we would like local businesses and community groups to adopt a bed, and perhaps introduce some healthy competitive upkeep. We are thinking about coming up with a prize for next year and have enquired about funding plaques on the planters which looks promising. Would you, or someone you know be interested? See our Flower Power campaign page for a contact form or email us now and get behind our village planters!