Minutes May 2019
Confirming NCC roles with a new NCC Chair, Clarity on flower beds and available resources for their upkeep plus an introduction to Community Resilience programmes
Jeremy Adderley, NCC Chair
Members Present | In Attendance |
- Apologies – Peter Quinn, Robert Murray & Linda Anderson
- Roles
- Chairperson – Unanimous vote for Jeremy to be NCC Chairperson. Proposed by John Muir and seconded by June Robertson.
- Still looking to change number of members in constitution which will require another EGM – proposed for August.
- AM tabled Roles and Responsibilities sheet; this is now largely complete. James Smith requested further information on the Defibrillator maintenance. Quick review of tabled handout. Jeremy to review contact with Ron.
- Treasurer – Ross Anderson proposed John Muir to re-election as Treasurer. Seconded by Maureen McRae.
- John Muir to review Planning Applications.
- Police Report
- Overview and Trends – 125 calls to Police during the period. Opportunistic crime rates remain steady since last period, with shop lifting being prevalent.
- Items of Note – Police Report to be added to website. Attempted break-in at the church.
- Social media push for event on the 26th (potentially) June, to do a Crime Lockdown event, in the park. All to review date and check for clash. 6pm till 9pm. JA/BM materials to publicise
- Discussion Points – Brian to speak to MC to clean up glass outside 5 Newbattle Rd. Shed kits are significantly reduced in price at the event.
- Free service for garden security review by the Police being offered.
- Justin Venton, Land & Countryside Manager, Midlothian Council
- War memorial flower bed to be maintained by council. Large tubs around NG and front of library will be not taken on. 4 tubs in main street need to be done in the next two weeks. Shrub beds to be undertaken by MC as normal. Justin not confident of funding going forward, beyond the memorial beds. Library staff have intimated that they can maintain the area outside the library.
- Justin open to groups taking ownership for an area; Gorebridge has good initiative with brownies / scouts etc. JV open to small sponsors to take on a planter, A4 signage could be applied.
- Community workshop to be agreed – MC are currently looking for members to take on the group and maintain flowerbeds. JV to issue table on work undertaken next week – JF to chase and lead on initial comms.
- Conifer to be cut back in time for Gala day. JV to chase up.
- Rhona of Community Resilience Team, Midlothian Council
- Rhona keen to see a Community Resilience Group start in NG. Weather related / Road issues / Unforeseen crashes or incidences. Can be a specific area or cul-de-sac. For insurance purposes the NCC must approve the group to confirm that they are active in the area. Group isn’t to take on MC or Police tasks, it is about knowing your community and filling the gaps. Undertook survey monkey to ascertain community engagement with regard to Resilience in the Community. Rosewell Community Flyer is a great example of what can be done. North Berwick Resilience Plan is also a good example.
- Resilience Team was instigated by the Beast from the East. RD to issue handout in electronic form. Ready Scotland Website can be viewed for further information. £2000 for this year spend, funding grants of up to £250 can be applied for; tools, torches, shovels etc. First start a group, add members, form an emergency plan. Apply for funding. Rhona is contactable through Paul Johnson.
- Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting
- proposed by Jeremy Adderley and seconded by Jason Ferry. This was undertaken after a review of Matters Arising.
- Matters Arising
- Signage update from JF. Total cost of £225. Newtongrange Community First have agreed to pay £200. John to issue a cheque for £225.
- JA has submitted a grant request to Midlothian council for an electronic & paper newsletter campaign promoting NCC which will catch every resident in Newtongrange over 3 years. Isolated individuals (non-electronic) to receive quarterly briefings. PJ mentions that the small grant to organisations will not be available until April 2020. JA considered that we might be able to piggyback on council e-delivery to residents in Newtongrange.
- Activities to promote the Community Council – Do you want to be a champion for the various roles in NCC? (to be discussed next meeting).
- PJ to contact licencing board to see if NCC can be consulted on the Fair attending the village. Initial contact suggests we can be consulted but PJ to confirm.
- Year Aims for NCC
- Discussion to finalise the key year aims for the council 2019/20. Summarised below
- members have reviewed these headings as fit for purpose and will feed into next meeting any contributory aspects eg whether they will champion a specific project under those campaign themes or have any projects they wish to take forward. JA has proposed lockdown events satisfy Public safety (and engagement) and will lead on PR and support Brian. Jason is leading on first stages of action on flower beds (Community Engagement). Masterplan (Andrew, Jason and June attending consultation, feeding into NCC strategy on Village Centre regeneration)
- Protecting and improving services: ensure services like the library are valued by all stakeholders by improving relevance, inclusivity and cost effectiveness.
- Public safety: the reduction in opportunistic crime and antisocial behaviour.
- The Newtongrange Masterplan: ensuring community development remains at its heart and engaging business and the village in its progress. Next Presentation – 4 to 7pm Newtongrange Masterplan on the 11th June.
- Engaging the community: positive solutions to retain flowerbeds and turn their retention into a project for inclusivity and village pride and achievement.
- Reports
- Councillors – None present to report.
- Treasurer – JM re-elected.
- Health & Social Care – Nothing to report.
- Federation – Next meeting 15/05/19.
- Correspondence
- Community Planning – Revitalising local areas, MC making land available to developers with policy dictating that 25% needs to be affordable. Representative Grant McKay to attend June meeting and offer an understanding of changes to Planning Applications.
- Correspondence received on Environment and Litter filming proposed. Ideas can be emailed to producer.
- Any other Business
- PJ would like to add an agenda point to discuss the Newtongrange Neighbourhood Plan which he handed print copies of to the group.
- 12 Date of Next Meeting
- Tuesday 25th June 2019 at 7.00 pm at Newbattle Community Learning Centre
Signed – Andrew Marshall 18/06/19, Additional notes Ross Anderson