Agenda October 2020








7.00pm-9.00pm Tuesday 29th September 2020

Online and by phone- all welcome as always, fill in the event form to receive live link

  1. Welcome and apologies 
    1. John Muir apologies 
  2. NCC Activity & Membership
    1. AGM – should it go ahead? Agenda items
    2. Funding – The Scotland Loves Local Fund will provide grants of between £500 and £5,000
      1. The Scottish Government are inviting eligible groups to develop projects to improve and promote their local place and communities. This can include making small scale local improvements and supporting localised responses in town and settlement centres. – Closes 5pm Wed 25th November
    3. Paperwork for Janet Donaldson
  3. Police Report – RA emailed for report 
    1. Any community advice required?
    2.  From Midlothain Advertiser:

      On Monday, October 12, officers were called to attend an ongoing fire at a Derelict building on Newbattle Road, Newtongrange. An 11 year old boy has been reported to the Youth Justice Officer in relation to the incident.

      On Thursday, October 15, officers were requested to attend shop premises in Main Street, Newtongrange in response to a report of staff being assaulted. A 20 year old male was charged in connection with the incident and a report submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

  4. Minutes of Previous Meeting/ Matters Arising
  5. Newtongrange resilience –  update Janet/Jeremy
    1. The Pool next meeting Oct 31 should restrictions allow
      1.  Lots of great Halloween themed ideas in development update
    2. Something still needed for young people – create a graffiti wall on the hoardings? Thoughts on this please. (Did not discuss September meeting)
    3. 14th November ‘The Pool’ – we talked about a firework theme – please let us have your thoughts? (Did not discuss September meeting)
    4. 5th December -the usual date for light switching on but we are not sure what Midlothian Council have in mind for this year?
    5. NRV dedicated phone number
    6. Emergency plan: from August meeting do we proceed? 
  6. Community Development Trust – review of proposal 
    1. 13/10/20 meeting overview Jeremy/Andrew/John
    2. Next Development trust Zoom Tuesday 10th November 7-9pm
  7. Local lock down issues
    1. Any items?
  8. Community resilience ideas –
    1.  A NCC led litterpick coinciding with The Pool’ 31/10/20 turns brooms into litter pickers? (Ross)
  9. 2020-21 Year Aims for NCC– On agenda for reference during wider discussion
    1. Protecting and improving services:
      1. Newtongrange Play Park Correspondence with Justin Venton regarding placement of 3 benches (Linda)
      2. Bus shelter on right hand side of main road as you walk up past water treatment works at Suttieslea (John still to pass photos/ update to MC on crumbling wall)?
    2. The Newtongrange Masterplan: ensuring community development remains at its heart and engaging business and the village in its progress
      1. Any update from working group (Andrew)
    3. Engaging the community: positive solutions for inclusivity, village pride and achievement.
      • Newsletter – update (Jeremy) The newsletter can it be signed off? Reminder this will help drive the Community Development Trust forward- most usefully for gathering community input for the trust ahead of the next date for The Pool (October 31). Require people to lead a village delivery team much like the resilience postcards (which the NRV may be able to help with).
      • Remembrance Day (John)
      • Supporting the community planting/weeding  offer to match fund flower purchases and person needed to lead on support and develop planter sponsorship after Jason’s departure. Any volunteers? (Did not discuss September meeting)
  10. Reports
    1. Councillor’s – attending councillors – Midlothian Council update?
    2. Treasurer’s “Banking Signatory“ – JM apologies, note of bank balance JA
    3. MFCC (Jeremy/Liz) 
      1. MC intention to involve community councils in prioritising services under new budgets.
    4. Planning Applications – John
  11. Correspondence
    1. Ron Campbell objection to Midlothian Council proposal in place to close Crawlees Road to vehicular traffic and have a ‘public consultation until 30/10/20 & Lorna asking about possible speed reduction schemes similar to E. Lothian & Borders (see also Jason and MFCC response)
    2. MC Climate Emergency (Jeremy)
  12. Any Other Business
  13. Date of next meeting


Ross Anderson

Ross Anderson

I'm involved with the Newtongrange Community Council because I want to help preserve the unique heritage, character & facilities of the village.

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