AGM Minutes (for 2022) February 2023
The delayed in-person and hybrid AGM was an opportunity to meet and consider the changes to the Newtongrange Community Council and community due to Covid-19, reflect on the major contributions and collaborations of NCC and look to increase membership as more in the community want to support the village’s development. The venue was the Dean ground floor meeting room. NCC wish to thank the Dean staff for being so helpful.
7pm-8.00pm Tuesday 28th February 2023
Members Present | In Attendance |
- Apologies Cath Johnstone, John Muir (wishes to continue as NCC Treaurer).
- The previous minutes from 2021 were accepted all present, having been proposed by AM and seconded by JR.
- Office Bearers All wishing to become members and those wishing to stand for election as office bearers filled out forms and had witnesses at meeting on 28th February 2023 (with exception of JM). The positions remain the same since 2019, with the exception of Sarah Matthews (Secretary position) nominated by JA – seconded by JR & universally accepted Ross Anderson (Minute Secretary position) nominated by LA – seconded by BW. John Muir sent letter wishing to remain (Treasurer position) nominated by JA – seconded by AM. Andrew Marshall (Vice Chair position) nominated by JA – seconded by Clr. D B. Lastly Jeremy Adderly (Chair position) nominated by JR – seconded by AM. All postions universally accepted by meeting. AM now third signature for cheques along with JM, JA.
- MFCC Representative The The position is currently vacant. JA invited anyone who wishes to be NCC representative to discuss position with him. It would not suit a turnabout rota. The meetings occur the 3rd Wednesday of the month 7pm start.
- Chairman’s Annual Report Jeremy offered thanks and wished to reflect the work undertaken by NCC and active projects with NCC or in collaboration with groups. LA/JR have built up a fantastic relationship with Justin Venton and secured the support of previous Midlothian Councillors from environmental budgets to improve park with more benches, War Memorial, Main gate paving and drainage improvements, and create a Sensory garden this in preparation for Welfare Park centenary in September 2026. Big thanks to Cath and crochet group who transformed the park for Valentine’s day. This activity compliments Newtongrange Park Life littepick and park awareness activity which Cath coordinates. Drainage in the park and Bryan’s Road gullies cleared out with Cath’s constant efforts of monitoring Midlothian Council – Place Team. RA central in re-establishing tennis in the old tennis courts last summer. Hoping to capitalise on this by connecting with Newtongrange Primary School teacher Mr Watters and look to have old tennis pavilion fully operational. To avoid having ugly shipping containers placed in the park. What a success Sandy Howden petanque project has been. Sandy securing funding after first meeting when AM previously sent 52 emails. AM led the NCC Springfield Development response. A really important piece of work – capturing the village concerns and helping people understand how they can influence, liaising with Mayfield/Easthouses and Gorebridge CC. and establishing a good line of communication with the developers (who are now asking for a new meeting) and NCC will continue to work with them to ensure our village integrity, heritage and services are supported through development of the area and developer contributions are used appropriately. Masterplan campaigning has led to prioritisation of Newtongrange, Mayfield and Dalkeith in Midlothian Council dedicated resources and Fiona Clandillon’s attendance in the park and August 2022 regular meeting. From the local elections NCC has forged positive relationships with our three new ward Councillors who are all in attendance tonight. NCC have an equally positive relationship with PC Jason McFarlane and Sgt. Michele Lindsay, whose attendance we appreciate and who listen and act on the matters that concern the village. JA is about to close a chapter with Todd the Snake – our Covid memorial attributed to the children of Newtongrange – landscaping in, some finishing touches and a school sign/plaque to come. This will kindly be built by Ron (ex-NCC), Do NCC have any lettering/font suggestions reflecting on Newtongrange Primary School history. Fiona Brooks secured sponsorship money from local business (Action RA to find out business names) and handed to Newtongrange Guerrilla Gardeners to keep planters in the village fed, watered and looking lovely. NCC worked with Midlothian Council to get new security fencing round derelict building by station on Murderdean Road. NCC liaised with police and council on speed focus and accessibility curb access measures most recently along the A7 and getting Main Street by Scotmid double roundabout painted. JA participated in shaping the recent MFCC response to proposed cuts to services and contributed to MTRAP survey and hep direct capital spend on roads. JM has worked tirelessly to protect our listed walls and NCC hope to see the heritage listed conservation boundary respected and multiple planning notifications. JM also represented NCC at last years Remembrance Day service. Attendance at meetings has been strong since the move back to in person meetings with AM stepping in to Chair one of the biggest. JA expressed thanks to new members Sarah, Laura and Betty for joining and enriching our membership.
- Treasurer’s Submission In John Muir’s absence, Jeremy presented the Treasurer’s Report for 2021/22 which has been pulled together. The current balance rests at £2,002.60 as of 29/12/22. Jeremy is actively seeking a solution with Kelvin, Newtongrange COOP Manager to getting £500 (emergency community response) due to NCC from COOP. The figures are still to be audited independently. Action for Jeremy to get accounts independently verified and figures added to next meeting agenda.
- Election of Councillors JA informed meeting that Laura Joyce and Rebecca have completed forms and after election this was unaminously accepted. It was agreed that all current Community Councillors and those still to complete their forms have been duly elected for a 3 year term. RA to collate all forms completed by members and issue to Gillian for records. (ii) Current councillors are; Andrew Marshall, Jeremy Adderley, Sarah Matthews, Laura Joyce, June Robertson, John Muir, Linda Anderson, Betty Wilson, Maureen McRae, Rebecca McCosh, Sandy Howden and Ross Anderson. (iii) It was not confirmed about resignations from the council. Elections to the Community Council shall be held at every third Annual General Meeting.
- Year Aims focus on Masterplan, Primary School (2025) /Park (2026) centeneries, Active Life ambitions, Planning Projects especially Springfiled Development and view to establish Community Tourism (build bond between National Mining Museum Scotland and community.
- Schedule of Regular Meetings After discussion regarding email proposal from Sita Anderson to look for alternative day. It was confirmed that regular NCC meetings would continue to be held on the last Tuesday of every month (no July or December meetings). JA proposed and JR seconded.
- Any other Business None.
- Date of Next AGM – Tuesday 27th February 2024 at 7.00 pm