Minutes January 2024

The January 2024 NCC hybrid meeting chaired by Jeremy Adderley @ Newbattle Community Learning Centre. This captured community concerns and on-going issues. Police and Councillor’s reports were offered and discussion regarding the Local Place plan, local issues and correspondence.

Members Present In Attendance
  • Jeremy Adderley   ( Chair) 
  • John Muir (Treasurer)
  • Andrew Marshall (Vice Chair)
  • Ross Anderson (Minute Secretary)
  • Linda Anderson
  • Lorna Leslie
  • Sarah Matthews (Secretary)
  • Maureen MacRae
  • Rebecca McCosh (Zoom)
  • Berry Wilson
  • Robert Joyce
  • June Robertson
  • Bill Hunter


  • Robert Mackie 
  • Bob Wilson
  • Ian Hogg
  • Paul Johnson (CLLE)
  • Mary Davidson (GCC)
  • Jim Crowe
  • William Darling
  • Ian Hogg
  • Clr. Ellen Scott
  • Marion Brown
See Agenda
  1. Welcome and introductions – 
    1. Apologies: Laura Joyce, Clr. Douglas Bowen, Catherine Johnstone, Sandy Howden
    2. Welcome from the Chair and introduction to Paul Johnson, Communities Lifelong Learning and Employability Officer for Midlothian Council who currently represents Newtongrange, Gorebridge and Moorfoot. CLLE now has only two members of staff.
  1. Previous minutes November 2023 minutes : proposed (after corrections) by SM – seconded JM
  2. Matters Arising – 
    1. Action: SM to check progress flyer drop to Murderdean Rd/Old cinema residents regarding wheelie bin matter. 
    2. Action for Clr. Scott to update on Pool Site
    3. Action: SM to send Clr. Bowen’s Councillor Report to members
    4. Crawlees Road lines will be painted in Spring 2024 as the road and weather conditions are not appropriate at present.
    5. LL asked Clr. S about any future implications for the community garden with treagrds to the topography report regarding the Top Club.
    6. RJ asked about options regarding pump track. The skatepark is cramped and often inaccessible at busy times. Two sites already in Midlothian – North Middleton and Gorebridge. North Middleton received developer contributions towards the project. NCC unsuitable for the size of finance required. Need for community engagement and canvas opinion on project. To ensure theat objections are taken into account and here is suitable interest among potential users. Look at finding funding options and whether it is viable before going back to NDT. James Kinch, Midlothian Council did say the play park location was possible, but it is very close to the Park Road houses. RJ agreed that a consultation would help the Local Place Plan 
  3. Local Place Plan Survey (Sarah Matthews/Andrew Marshall) – 
    1. SM requested support from members to review the LPP:
    2. It is currently a working document
    3. Link up with Midlothian Local Development Plan, Scottish Government
    4. How is land used in Newtongrange currently and in the future.
    5. A consultation document will be circulated to local groups and social media channels middle of February 2024. Th intention to get a quick poll ensuring that the community are happy with the content. 
    6. Local place plane nedds to be completed by March 2024 
    7. Action – June Robertson kindly agreed to proof read the document when it is required.
    8. LL noted the similar issues in the Newbattle and Eskbank document.
    9. SM intention is to steer the document by utilising all the comments from the consultation stage. To capture the common threads.
    10. Key quotes captured from the consultation document will enhance the document 
    11. Paul Johnson highlighted that the Midlothian Local Development plan for 2026-2036 must consider the recommendations of the Local Place Plan. It is a legislated policy. 
    12. Mapping exercise: AM provided two large maps of the area and two groups annotated the maps with key areas around the village that were important to them.
    13. Action for AM to incorporate the themes and issues from the annotated maps into the LPP working document 
    14. Need to ensure that your voice is included, especially if you think something critical is missing from responses. Any questions email secretary@newtongrange.
  4. Telephone box – RA  Paul Johnson informed meeting that representations regarding the public phone box on Main Street needs to be  confirmed by 18/04/24. Does the community require a working phone box, eyesore and a barrier or could it be used for another purpose?  Other examples are Musselburgh art installation, lending library and a defibrillator area for the top of the village. Action William Darling to check if there is any note on the phonebox informing of its intended removal. Action for webite & social media (shared with Whats On In Newtongrange to reach public concensus regarding phone box. Any queries email secretary@newtongrange.org. Action for RA to put on social media
  5. Committees, lead member and meeting procedure Idea for members who are passionate about a particular aim to be contact(s) regarding issues arising to form small committee groups.  A central point of contact & someone leading on it. When a decision is required the item will come back to full community  council. Concerns raised that decisions could be made outwith regular meetings. This was previously mentioned in Nov 2023 AGM. The lack of consultation with the ‘pop up park’, the delay in receiving the results/consideration from the ‘Pool site Masterplan’. LA concerned that we need to challenge decisions regarding key issues such as the pool development. RJ felt that having a point of contact could make meetings more efficient. Action for SM for February agenda to be circulate proposed year aims before February meeting .  A joint Crawlees Road CC meeting has been proposed. Robert Hogg (Mayfield/Easthouses CC) & Mary Davidson (Gorebridge CC) are very aware of the safety issues and has been discussed at the MFCC and MTRAP meetings. Paul Johnson confirmed that the council are taking the matter seriously. The lines will be done in April or May 2024 when it will cause the least amount of disruption. Paul mentioned how Alan and Wayne Clark attend the sixweekly MTRAP meetings on Zoom and how it can help having representation. Action for SM for February agenda to see if any member wishes to attend MTRAP meeting. Paul Johnson mentioned that any in-person requirement could be considered.
  6. Amendments to the Constitution – Two issues to amend constitution: Allow online meetings (not only in person as is in the current text) and payment by other methods (not only by cheque as is the current text. Four weeks notice is required for this and a special meeting has been called (JM proposed and JA seconded) to convene before the regular meeting on February 27/02/24
  7. Community Council Training – SM emailed members about event at Lasswade High School, 9am-2pm, Saturday 23rd March. JM attended previously and asked Paul Johnson if he could have copies of the Code of Conduct documentation to share with group. 
  8. Tennis Courts – omitted due to time
  9. Street Sweeping arrangements – omitted due to time
  10. Speeding Traffic (Bryans Road, Mansfield Road, The Beeches and Newbattle Road). Clearer signage needed – omitted due to time
  11. Top issues (max 5) within your areas and what you are looking from your community officer. – omitted due to time
  12. Pool Site – omitted due to time
  13. Reports
    1. Councillor’s Report –  Clr. Scott and Clr. Bowen emailed report to NCC/Secretary and both will be shared
    2. Police report –  Police report was shared to members by email
    3. Treasurer
      1. Action to get proforma invoice forms for John moving forward
      2. Financial figure – omitted due to time
    4. MFCC – omitted due to time
    5.  Planning Applications – JM mentioned an application for a new telephone mast at New Victoria Park and roundabout signage at Victoria Park roundabout. Action for AM to circulate email to members regarding matters
  14. AOB – omitted due to time
  15. Date of Next Meeting – 27th February 2024 at 6:30-8:30 pm, Location Newbattle Community Learning Centre and Zoom – register here 
Ross Anderson

Ross Anderson

I'm involved with the Newtongrange Community Council because I want to help preserve the unique heritage, character & facilities of the village.

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