AGM 2023 Minutes – draft
The in-person and hybrid AGM was an opportunity to meet and consider the changes to the Newtongrange Community Council and community this year, reflect on the major contributions and collaborations of NCC and look to increase membership as more in the community want to support the village’s development. The venue was held in the Newbattle Learning & Education Centre Centre. NCC wish to thank the Centre staff for being so helpful.
7pm-8.00pm Tuesday 28th November 2023
Members Present | In Attendance |
- Welcome
- Apologies: June Robertson, Betty Wilson, Laura Joyce, Lorna Leslie, Clr. Ellen Scott, Clr. Kelly Drummond, Catherine Johnstone, Bill Hunter
- The previous minutes from 2022 were accepted as present, after correction on financial figures: proposed by AM and seconded by JR.
- Chair’s Annual Report
- This is a shorter report period from Feb-Nov 2023. Jeremy offered thanks and wished to reflect the work undertaken by NCC and active projects with NCC. NCC are privileged to work in collaboration with local groups including Newtongrange Guerrilla Gardeners, Newtongrange Park Life, NDT, NC1, Village Voices, The Dean Tavern, Newtongrange Primary School, St Anne’s, St Davids Day Centre, the library, the Church, The Police & National Mining Museum Scotland. To build understanding with Newtongrange Star FC & engagement with local businesses Be Happy Performing Arts, Pastel Bakery, The Sun Inn, Kaya’s Cafe & the COOP. Along with input from regular attendees. All helps to work with our ward Councillors & Midlothian Executive a tangible understanding of what the community wants and how it can be achieved.
- February 2023 – look for fairer allocation of funds. Councillors rejected Leisure Centre cuts and MCAT Police Teams. There is still some hope of an improved outcome for distribution of Scottish Executive funds that reflects Midlothian’s growth in Early Learning & Childcare and we have a review of progress in January 2024, following the December budgets. Jeremy held meeting with Nicola Moss, NMMS. To forge an alliance to build a community feature, tied in with potential community tourism to align protection of village heritage with something that could attract footfall to the village.
- Spring 2023 – Community garden created thanks to incredible work from NGG with financial support from local businesses courtesy of Fiona Brooks & Councillors environmental funding, and other funding avenues. Linda & June ensured that the sensory garden would start to emerge. Now planted & just awaiting final resin touches. After much discussion over the ‘pop-up park’ between Councillors, NCC & public the ‘pool site’ has been prioritised . Ross organised a bike registration event in conjunction with Police Scotland held at the library.
- Monthly litter picks continued organised by Cath Johnstone, Newtongrange Park Life and will be looking for new recruits in 2024
- April – Heard from Archie, Newtongrange Star about 5 year plan to progress age groups & climb divisions. We also learnt June Robertson would represent Scotland in Pétanque.
- In May Linda raised the walking route “footprints” which have now been reinstated. Laura lead on the Midlothian Climate Action Network. Sarah started work on the Local Place Plan.
- June meeting had 24 attendees. Robert provided inventive ‘marbles’ example of the number of vehicles using Crawlees Road. This has remained on the agenda. Which lead to a list of agreed actions with Wayne Clark, Roads & Midlothian Council. This included signage & road markings. Understand the impact of Springfield development road requirements & active travel. Mayfield/Easthouses CC also see the Springfield development as a priority.
- Summer brought the reintroduction of the Newtongrange Gardening Competition. This was driven by Laura & Rebecca & judged by Dalkeith Guerrilla Gardeners. There was a modest amount of entries due to the late September competition date. It cease by far the most popular social media post of the year. Earlier competition date & promotion will help for next year’s competition.
- Facebook 1,531 followers & 20 posts this year between Ross & Sarah.
- Old tennis courts shortlisted by LTA for replacement of court for all weather replacement. Mark Kenmure is checking that old tennis pavilion works are complete & sorting out potential lease arrangements that will satisfy Pétanque club (need accessible toilets, many pistes have public convenience issues), Dalkeith Thistle Community Football Club & improve park access overall. Many thanks to Michael Robson for all his time & efforts in this matter. Tennis pavilion action to come back in January 2024
- September brought 242 responses through the LPP. Thanks to amazing work by Sarah to survey & consult with the village. The results are now in draft form but there is much work still to be done. Aim is for local & national govt. to use the LPP to understand the communities concerns. Taking ever opportunity to have our voice heard.
- Twinning possibilities & reconnections with Doveren, Germany & La Mure, France or even Port Sunlight. To celebrate village heritage especially with Welfare Park centenary in 2026.
- Laura exploring funding for pump track in play park.
- Treasurers Submission: Accounts
- Treasurer’s Submission John Muir presented the Treasurer’s Report for 2022/23. The current balance rests at £1,837 as of 17/11/23. (Independently verified by Patricia Thom).scan_randerson_2024-01-29-07-57-04
- Financial Accounts proposed by: Andrew Marshall and Seconded: Ross AndersonA
- Nominations for new members
- A note on Office Bearers: No requirement to change so the positions remain the same as 2022 AGM: Jeremy Adderley (Chair), Andrew Marshall (Vice Chair), Sarah Matthews (Secretary), John Muir (Treasurer) & Ross Anderson (Minute Secretary)
- Nomination of Councillors Robert Joyce completed a form & is on electoral roll and was unaminously accepted. Robert has been duly elected for a 3 year term. (ii) Current councillors are; Andrew Marshall, Jeremy Adderley, Sarah Matthews, Laura Joyce, June Robertson, John Muir, Linda Anderson, Betty Wilson, Maureen McRae, Rebecca McCosh, Sandy Howden, Lorna Robert Joyce and Ross Anderson. (iii) The constitution limit is 16 Councillors. Elections to the Community Council held at every third Annual General Meeting (next due AGM 2025)
- MFCC Representative The The position is currently vacant. JA NCC representative to discuss position with him. It would not suit a turnabout rota. The meetings occur the 3rd Wednesday of the month 7pm start.
- MTRaP Representative No NCC representative currently. Discusses future road/path developments and active travel. Two budgets planning process & maintenance budget. Designate priority roads.
- Year Aims 2024 – Plan for NCC members to form committees to work on the projects below (or suggest other key projects)
- Priority areas raised from current informal committee work, Local Place Plan, and suggestions
- Masterplan (LPP)
- Park/School Centenary
- Housing Developments
- Tennis
- NMMS Heritage
- Pool Site
- Newsletter
- Action to return to January meeting with any suggestions and/or nominations for committee formation
- Priority areas raised from current informal committee work, Local Place Plan, and suggestions
- Schedule of Regular Meetings Regular NCC meetings would continue to be held on the last Tuesday of every month (no July or December meeting)
- Linda raised a point of order to ensure all NCC members are emailed (where possible in good time) to be invited to meetings out-with the regular meetings. Her view was that recent instances of meetings with Nicola Moss & Wayne Clark should have been shared & all members invited. Action to progress Year Aim Committees in January 2024 to clarify who is engaged in each area.
- Date of Next AGM – Tuesday 26th November 2024 at 7.00 pm