Minutes February 2024
The February 2024 NCC hybrid extraordinary meeting chaired by Jeremy Adderley @ Newbattle Community Learning Centre. This captured community concerns and on-going issues. Police and Councillor’s reports were offered and discussion regarding the Local Place plan, local issues and correspondence.
Members Present | In Attendance |
See Agenda |
- Welcome and introductions –
- Apologies: Bill Hunter and William Darling
- Extraordinary meeting agreement universal agreement on change of constitution 1. allow online meetings (Proposed: JM Seconded: LL) ii. allow online BACS payments (Proposed: JM Seconded: AM) Action for SM to change constitution
- Welcome from the Chair and introduction to Acting Sergeant Chris Howarth – Police Scotland
- Sita Anderson has resigned her position from NCC
- Bill Hunter has completed a form and is now a Community Councillor
- All NCC members can view online private documents before they become public. Ask JA, SM or RA for details on how to get an account.
- Previous minutes –January 2024 minutes : proposed by LA – seconded JR
- Matters Arising –
- AM has completed flyer drop to Murderdean Rd/Old cinema residents regarding wheelie bin matter. The bins are still a problem.
- Clr. Scott to update on Pool Site in report
- Action: Main Road telephone box for possible community adoption decision for next meeting March 2024. A few suggestions for defibrillator point.
- Local Place Plan to be discussed this meeting along with committee group alignment
- Police report and discussion with Acting Sergent Chris Howarth (CH) – CH highlighted three points from police report: 1) Suttislea Terrace – suspicious person in posssession of cannabis. 2) Hamilton Crescnt property brak-in & theft (Pro-active Crime Team & CID team dealing with this matter) CH highlighted the free crime prevention service you can also email or phone to get further info. . 3) Groups of youths (who apparently are not from Newtongrange) assaulted older male . This was a particularly disturbing issuw where the youths were absusive and chasing the individual. CH admits youth disorder is frustrating and initiatives/partnerships have been acted on . Having initiatives with Ryze trampoline park just some thinking out of the box suggestions to change the narrative. Blue Light Discos & boxing/karate initiatives were suggested by meeting. CH says there has been no uptake in Midlothian for evening football. The police connect with CLLE, James Harvey of the the youth teams and Midlothian Council Street Workers and bus drivers. There are now only 6 (down from 15) Community Officers for the whole of Midlothian. With PC McFarlane and Livinstone unable to coordinate foot patrols in Newtongrange due to the scope of area. A question was raised about Police banning fireworks. CH confirmed that Midlothian Council deals with the licenses and the Tradings Standards teams are very helpful. CH mentioned how much of the parking issues, such as parking on double yellow lines and around schools are solely the remit of Midlothian council however dangerous driving, obstuction and theft is there responsibility. IH felt there should be a combined approach and to go around all the schools. For info the Community Team aim to attend NCC meetings on a quarterly basis. PC McFarlane is due to attend in April 2024. CH noted that there are currently no road in Newtongrange regarded as hotspots for casualties or collisions. With regards to street light improvement you should get in touch with Craig King, Lighting Supervisor, Midlothian Council.
- Local Place Plan (LPP) & Committees agreement –
- SM has circulated the LPP document for the required 28 days consultation period
- Committees are arranged in 5 basic groups aligned to the LPP. The best way to bbe involved with issues that are important to you is to be in side the group.
- The intention is for the groups to be open & transparent. When decisions are required this will come back to full community council.
- There will be space on the agenda at the NCC meetings for each group for full constulation and any decisions required to be agreed.
- There was an agreement to separate some from the Local Place Plan Theme eg. Community Garden.
- Useful to have this structure to know who to communicate with if someone brings an issue and who can tackle it.
- Action for SM to add names and revise Committee document for next meeting
- Committees plan – proposed by: JM & seconded by: BW
- Paths in the park – IH pointed out the terrible state of some of the paths in the park especially with the tree routes near the tennis courts. It was advised that Derek Oliver, Chief Officer Place, Midlothian Council has been helpful with accessibility issues in the past i.e drop curbs and is usually quite reponsive Action JR to have a walk around with IH to pin down specific areas that require attention.
- Crawlees Road CC meeting Robert Hogg (Mayfield/Easthouses CC) & Mary Davidson (Gorebridge CC), Robert Mackie with LA (Chair), JR and SM (who took minutes) Signage is still the wrong way round and still dirty. The lines due to be painted in April or May 2024. Concen raised about traffic to new Primary School. Traffic coming up the Peth, Beeches & the Bryans. Follow up meetings planned with Councillors, NWH, Springfield and all other interested parties. It was mentioned that 16 lorries coming up & down the roads. With concern about impact on the Shank Bridge. LA looking to attend next MTRAP meeting
- Community Council Training – SM emailed members about event at Lasswade High School, 9am-2pm, Saturday 23rd March. LL & RJ looking to attend action to feed back at next meeting
- New Easthouses Primary School public visit – by LL 26/02/24 – 450 pupils, 16 classrooms, separate nursery provision. All have doors leading out to the garden with good weather allowing outside eating. JR to ask on her visit about vehicle transportation to school – Concern about Lady Road, Gardiners Place, Beeches traffic to school.
- Lady Road path – still to be done. Action for Cle Bowden
- Monks Wall – concern about further damage to the historic wall from heavy traffic on Newbattle Road. The overall responsibility for repairing the wall is Newbattle abbey College & Historic Environment Scotland
- Kate Goodall from MVA invitation – Action for SM to invite Kate Goodall to March meeting to talk about community benefits.
- Litter – Clr Bowden met with Diane Alexander and still to convene next meeting with local litter picking groups. RA started clean up along Newbattle Road (Peth) and contacted Midlothian environmental services regarding entrance opposite the Masonic Hall.
- Pool Site – Fiona Clandillon advised Clr Scott that the pool site plans will be presented back to the community after Easter with a day & evening event planned. Meeting mentioned that 8 months was a very long time since consultation. Action to check if there is a confirmed date for presentation next meeting as we do not want things rushed. Their was frustration that the area had not simply been grassed over (a recommendation from NCC), as the current state is an eyesore. With many complaints received about the current state.
- Church hall site – Modular houses will go on site.
- Community garden – Fiona Clandillon advised Councillor Scott that this site will be used in the masterplan & there will need to be an alternative location found for transfer in then long term.The community garden has been a real success story and there needs to be a really good plan when it needs to move.
- River Esk guided walk – Action for SM to circulate
- Correspondence – Regarding opening of sensory garden – Justin Venton advised that it would be asap. SM contacted business contact who was leaving advertisements on trees. Attendee Jim Crow’s concerns about the footpath @ A7 by the Mining Museum & flooding along Stobhill Road has been sent to the Roads & Transportation Mananger. Action for Clrs. Douglas & Scott to monitor the drainage situation and ensure improvements are made.
- Reports
- Councillor’s Report – Clr. Scott – Dealing with issues relating to the Church Hall building removal; Cockpen Bridge damage taht required structural engineer assessment.
- Councillor’s Report – Clr. Drummond – Brought up the “re-scheduled” plan to shelve improvements to Newtongrange Primary School. Concerns were raised as the condition is currently rated C & improvements are desperately needed.
- Police report – Police report to be shared to members by email
- Treasurer –
- Financial figure – omitted due to time £1,843.70
- New expense claims form (Invoices must be made out to NCC / received on behalf of NCC) email secretary@newtongrange.org for form.
- MFCC – omitted due to time
- Planning Applications – Action for AM to send letter to planners regarding New Victoria Park and roundabout signage at Victoria Park roundabout.
- AOB – N/A
- Date of Next Meeting – 26th March 2024 at 6:30-8:30 pm, Location Newbattle Community Learning Centre and Zoom – register here