Minutes Mar 2019
Solidification of roles, setting out key NCC aims & objectives and a presentation of our new website, as a tool for wider engagement.
Andrew marshall, Community councillor
Present In Attendance: Andrew Marshall (Sec. on the Night), Jason Ferry, Jeremy Adderley (Chair on the night), June Robertson, John Muir (Treasurer), Maureen McRae, Robert Murray
1 Apologies – John Muir (Treasurer), Robert Murray
2 Roles
(i) Chairperson – Andrew Marshall to chair April meeting, Ross to take notes for passing to James.
(ii) Secretary – James Smith confirmed as Secretary – his role will include all correspondence and review of planning applications. Andrew Marshall to minute meetings and issue agendas, sharing the roles traditionally attributed to the Secretary.
3 Police Report
(i) Overview and Trends – PC McGuff gave an overview of crime statistics. 16 attempts at house break-ins, the current trend suggests that this type of crime is decreasing, but still present in the Newtongrange area.
(ii) Items of Note –PC McGuff has undertaken a social media appeal relating to the Edinburgh Signage, to no avail. Jason to speak to local contact and action remedial work.
(iii) Discussion Points – Easter holidays, expectant spike in antisocial behaviour due to lighter nights. Possible leaflet drop proposed by Jeremy, which may be subject to funding application.
4 Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting
Proposed by Jeremy Adderley and seconded by James Smith. This was undertaken after a review of Matters Arising.
5 Matters Arising
(i) Ongoing discussion points for spot on Black Diamond were discussed.
(ii) Community Grant may be applied for, NCC receive a basic grant of £300.00. Paul outlined that a small grant of up to £2,000 may be applied for. Every six months NCC may apply for up to £500 next deadline is 14th April, a form can be accessed via the council website. Jeremy to complete form and apply.
(iii) Activities to promote the Community Council (including assigning tasks) – As 5 (ii).
(iv) Engagement Plan for recruiting more members and induction training (including assigning tasks) – JA tabled his Community Get involved document. This was met with widespread positivity and it was agreed to distribute wider.
(v) Review of Promotional Materials / Media Campaign (including assigning tasks) – JA tabled his Community Get involved document. JF to contact the Advertiser and Black Diamond regarding discussed items.
(vi) Increase maximum membership from 11 to 20 – Currently at 9, James and Linda keen to join, meeting to be convened to change the constitution and increase to 20, this will be held once all roles filled and the focus can shift towards wider Aims and Objectives.
6 Community Council Insurance
Paul handed over current insurance policy document to the Secretary.
7 Website
JA introduced all in attendance to the new website for Newtongrange Community Council, via a live demonstration. The purpose of the site is to give NCC an online presence to promote objectives, post minutes and invite comment from the wider community. The new website is seen as a key item for engagement with members of the community who are unable to attend the monthly meetings. All present enjoyed the run through and agreed the site should be developed further so as to maximise the expertise of Jeremy.
8 Reports
(i) Councillors – None present to report.
(ii) Treasurer – Balance Sheet stands at £2,659.45. Interest due shortly. Additional name to be added as a signatory for cheques. This should be the current chair of the NCC. The individual must complete the form online. Ongoing.
(iii) Health & Social Care – Nothing to report.
(iv) Federation – Ann provided the secretary with a Good Food Nation Form. Ann offered a summary of the Federation, main point was that a three year strategy will be implemented, with a view to forward planning. 10th of June for final reporting.
9 Correspondence
(i) Community Resilience Discussion – (May) Rhona of Community Resilience Team to come to May meeting. PC McGuff to contact ahead of meeting to coordinate their reports.
(ii) NCLC Summer Playscheme – Paul raised that this will try to be run this year.
(iii) Newtongrange Neighbourhood Plan – to be moved to next meeting.
10 Any other Business
(i) Fly tipping on the A7 and in particular the layby on Dalhousie Road and near Home Farm. Jason to canvas community through FB and contact Newtongrange Star FC to aid with a litter pick.
(ii) Unstable wall at ‘The Coups’ to be raised with the council.
(iii) Flowerbeds – Justin Venton confirmed that there will be no foral displays at any war memorial. Jason described the history of community efforts to plant these areas. NCC has previously maintained some of the beds but council support with tools and access and water has dried up. Paul to contact council department to review whether we can organise vehicular access and water availability. NCC to try and get the community involved in planting and maintaining the flower beds.
(iv) Andrew raised a meeting invite from Kieran Munro. Andrew, John, Jeremy and Jason may attend once date is agreed.
11 Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 30 March 2019 at 7.00 pm at Newbattle Community Learning Centre Signed – Andrew Marshall 22/04/19