Minutes March 2024

The March 2024 NCC meeting chaired by Andrew Marchall @ Newbattle Community Learning Centre. This captured community concerns and on-going issues. Police and Councillor’s reports were offered and discussion regarding the Community Garden, local issues and correspondence.

Members Present In Attendance


  • Andrew Marshall (Vice Chair)
  • Ross Anderson (Minute Secretary)
  • Linda Anderson
  • Lorna Leslie
  • Sarah Matthews (Secretary)
  • Maureen MacRae
  • Robert Joyce
  • June Robertson
  • Sandy Howden


  • Robert Mackie 
  • Ian Hogg
  • Jim Crowe
  • William Darling
  • Clr. Kelly Drummond (Zoom)
  • Kate Goodall  (MVA)
See Agenda
  1. Welcome and introductions – 
    1. Apologies: Jeremy Adderley, Linda Anderson, John Muir, Bill Hunter, Rebecca McCosh, Clr(s) Bowden & Scott
    2. SM presented change of constitution 
  1. Previous minutes February 2024 minutes : proposed by JR – seconded MM
  2. Matters Arising – 
    1. Action: SM to invite Fiona Clandillon, Head of Development, Midlothian Council to the April meeting to present Pool Site/Masterplan next steps.  The hoardings at the pool is in a terrible state.  We need a more measured approach we cannot simply build houses on all the gap site/potential community spaces left in the village. The community garden helps with curbing food deprivation by growing local fruit and veg & the current site needs to be considered,  perhaps as a community asset transfer like the bowling pavillion. Scottish Government demand a set number of houses to be built but does it have to be the Old Top Club/Welfare Institute community area.  Action for SM to reconsider Communiy Garden in LPP.
    2. Action: SM to contact Paul Johnson for possible community adoption and re-purpose of Main Street telephone box as a defibrillator point. The more defibs the better.
  3. Police report – sent to members by email RM asked if there was any incident report for car getting stuck in verge at Crawlees Road on 5/3/24 approx. 11:29am?  Action for SM to arrange for date of PC Jason MacFarlane’s attendance
  4.  Crawlees Road – Lines painted at 6am on Sunday 24/3/24. Pot holes have also been filled in. What about the signage, safeguarding route. No new drawing provided since January 2023. The meeting were reminded that the development is still only an application in principle (Not a final decision). Three photos were tabled showing the state of the road & man-oeuvres vehicles are making with having to skirt onto the pavements. . Action for AM to ask the planners if they are to do a new Traffic Impact Assement, due to the greatly increased road traffic use.  Sub-committee meeting with Springfield & NWH in attendance on the 16/4/24.
  5. Kate Goodall (KG) Community benefits. There is a special condition written into public contracts that requires additional contributions to the economic, social and environmental well being of a community. All 3rd-sector organisations and in some case schools can apply. KG gave an eg. of a cold water therapy scheme in West Lothian that was supplied by a local IT company. Woodburn received food donations and vouchers for the local foodbank. A new oven was also provided for the Grassyriggs Centre. Newton Parish Church capital improvements. Wildlife habitat & bat boxes. Support for Danderhall Galaday/ This is separate from Development contributions. There are currently three live asks that Kate deals with. 1) City Region Deal online portal  2) NHS Lothian online portal 3) Midlothian Council * currently no online portal. Third Sector groups can liaise with KG who is the contact for Midlothian Council. The defib for the phone box is a good example for applying. Perhaps getting a landscape architect or plumbers to help with getting a working toilet in the pavillion(s) in the park. When applying it is useful to add images to your ask. Action for AM to summarise/share among other local groups and look to create a wishlist.
  6. Paths in the park – Concern about accessibility with regards to tree roots and uneven paths around park. JR felt that the worse area is by the bowling green.
  7. Inconsiderate car parking in park – Action for JR to contact Justin Venton about issue especially on a Sunday morning when football is being played in the park.
  8. Sensory garden – Concern raised about seats around garden not having backs on them. Query over the seats that were removed and have not be reinstalled?
  9. Correspondence – Attendee Jim Crowe concerns about the mud/barriers (thickness of muck on pavements)in area between Ruts and the Bus Stop @ A7 by the Mining Museum. With the drains on Stobhill Road still blocked. Action for AM to ensure improvements are made. 
  10. Reports
    1. Councillor’s Report –  Clr Bowen emailed to members and read out by SM: Twinning partner planning meeting for Jarnac – delegation visit to Dalkeith in June 2024. Lingerwood development & Crawlees Rd. meeting on the 16th of April & will press for road improvements. A decision regarding the tennis court replacement from the LTA is awaited and also the application for a Community Asset Transfer by Newtongrange Development Trust of the bowling pavilion is proceeding slowly. Clr. B will try to expedite this in any way possible. Land Services department have confirmed that the Council does not own the original section of the footpath off Mansfield Road. It is believed to be owned by Lothian or Grange Estates. Clr B. has contacted their Factor to ask for re-instatement of the original path. Morris Road Garages – Clr B. emailed a reminder to Lothian Estates asking for an update with their proposals. They had mentioned the possibility of using the area for parking/ storage facilities. Network Rail answered Clr B. letter sent to them on 23rd October 2023. They have apologised, but have stated that progress has been delayed over the dispute regarding boundaries and also the poor health of the owner of the building. They are hopeful that in the fairly near future the building will either be sold or be the subject of a Planning application for development. The building consistently gets vandalised and is a health & safety risk. Newtongrange Library has recently had repairs to the building itself have now been carried out but nothing yet to the surrounding area. Clr B. will continue to chase this. Newtongrange Primary to be considered in the school street scheme however only one school per year is adopted. Due to meet with the new neighbourhood environment officer Victor. (Environmental crimes can be reported using an online form or by calling 0131 561 5284). An agreement will need to be reached with NGG/NCC/NDT over any future move of the Community Garden.
    2. Councillor’s Report –  Clr. Drummond – Midlothian councillors approved the enforcement of regulations surrounding parking on pavements, dropped kerbs and footways from April 1 2024.  The issue of Newtongrange Primary School improvements was not discussed at full council meeting 26/3/24. Action for Clr D to send new Midlothian schools category suvey once published.
    3. Councillor’s Report –  Clr Scott – Action for SM to email report to members
    4. Police report –  Police report shared to members by email.
    5. Treasurer
      1. Financial figure – N/A
      2. New expense claims form (Invoices must be made out to NCC / received on behalf of NCC) email secretary@newtongrange.org for form.
    6. MFCC – Concern raised about Education budget, defibrillators and idea of drones delivering essential medication.
    7.  Planning Applications – Lingerwood cottage applications. AM emailed planners regarding NCC concerns over advertisement signs on the A7 roundabout.
  11. AOB – Unanimous approval for NCC to support the £80 school sign cost if required. No tradesman contact for mounting of the metal sign
  12. Date of Next Meeting – 30th April 2024 at 6:30-8:30 pm, Location Newbattle Community Learning Centre and Zoom – register here 
Ross Anderson

Ross Anderson

I'm involved with the Newtongrange Community Council because I want to help preserve the unique heritage, character & facilities of the village.

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