Minutes Feb 2019
A meeting focussed on representation and sustainability of the NCC and welcoming new members
Jeremy Adderley, Chair ON ROTATION
Present In Attendance Andrew Marshall (Sec. on the Night), Ann Gunn, Jason Ferry, PC Brian McGuff, Jeremy Adderley (Chair on the night), June Robertson, James Smith, Clr Jim Muirhead, Maureen McRae, Linda Anderson, Peter Quinn, Paul Johnson, Ross Anderson, Steve Sommerfield
1 Apologies John Muir (Treasurer), Robert Murray
2 Roles
(i) Chairperson – Jeremy volunteered to Chair the meeting, at present it is proposed to rotate the duties. Andrew to chair next month.
(ii) Secretary – James Smith volunteered for the role of the Secretary – brief discussion on role. James requested he be shown the ropes as he moves to take on the role full time. Andrew Marshall to minute meeting and agree some sharing of the Secretary role.
3 Police Report PC McGuff reported on the recorded crimes committed in Newtongrange during January and the number of crimes solved. Housebreakings are still prevalent in Newtongrange and the surrounding area. Thefts from shops remained common incidents during the month, with meat being taken from the Co-Op. Parking in general was discussed – in particular at Newtongrange Primary Area and how a safer approach can be implemented. Recommendation from PC McGuff to raise with Gillian Bathgate of the Primary School Parent Council. The group is looking to implement an initiative focussed on this issue. Jeremy requested whether we could review the trends within the Police Report. Brian McGuff to review and see whether this can be reported at the next meeting. PC McGuff offered to convene a Lockdown Crime Event @ 10am Saturday Newtongrange Library date tbc. 4 Minutes of Previous Meeting Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting was proposed by Jeremy Adderley and seconded by Ann Gunn. This was undertaken after a review of Matters Arising. 5 Matters Arising
(i) Report back from Midlothian Council budget meeting for Community Councils – Peter summarised the budget meeting – the Midlothian population is growing at 13%. Funding from COSLA is already set and doesn’t account for the current, sharp growth in housing. The COSLA formula cannot currently be revisited, as a Scotland wide review would doubtless impact negatively on other local authorities. An independent review has been requested by Midlothian Council. The official news release is available here: https://www.midlothian.gov.uk/news/article/2676/council_approves_budget_for_201920 Further discussion was had surrounding Council cash reserves within the housing budget and whether these could be redistributed. Peter raised that Midlothian Council have a reserve of cash which is ring fenced for housing. Clr Jim Muirhead confirmed this reserve exists for funding new housing – there exists a dubiety within the council whether it would be legal to use this for purposes other than housing.
(ii) Skills Audit / Roles for current Community Councillors (including assigning tasks) – As a team, everyone present reviewed the tasks / roles form issued by Jeremy. This was productive, with all the time critical key roles allocated. Chairperson Feb & March – Jeremy Adderley, April – Ann Gunn Secretary Notes of Meetings – Andrew Marshall Correspondence – James Smith Issue of Minutes / Agenda – James Smith Planning Applications – James Smith Treasurer – John Muir Rep. at Midlothian Federation of Community Councils (March) – Andrew Marshall & Ann Gunn Rep. Newtongrange Partnership Group – June Robertson, Jeremy Adderley & Linda Anderson (Paul Johnson will advise of date of next meeting) Community Engagement – Jason Ferry (Facebook), Jeremy Adderley & Andrew Marshall (Website design) Library / Noticeboard keys and updating – Andrew Marshall
(iii) Activities to promote the Community Council (including assigning tasks) – As 5 (ii).
(iv) Engagement Plan for recruiting more members and induction training (including assigning tasks) – JA tabled his Community Get involved document. This was met with widespread positivity and it was agreed to distribute wider.
(v) Review of Promotional Materials / Media Campaign (including assigning tasks) – JA tabled his Community Get involved document. JF to contact the Advertiser and Black Diamond regarding discussed items.
(vi) Increase maximum membership from 11 to 20 – Currently at 9, James and Linda keen to join, meeting to be convened to change the constitution and increase to 20, this will be held once all roles filled and the focus can shift towards wider Aims and Objectives.
(vii) Recognition and celebration of the role of Ron Campbell.
6 Community Council Insurance In the past an invoice (covering all Midlothian Community Councils) was sent centrally to Midlothian Council. A new arrangement will mean that Community Councils will now be invoiced individually. Once received the invoice is to be passed to Midlothian Council (via the Communities Team) who will make the payment.
7 Website JA proposed to set up a CC Newtongrange website, agreed to proceed. Costs would be £20. Newtongrange Council funds to cover. Andrew to provide design support.
8 Reports
(i) Councillors – JM gave a report on the recent budgeting and proposed cuts. JM also summarised the building of two new primary schools and two separate site for new council houses in the vicinity of Newtongrange. Summer period set for a series of key consultations on the 3 year plan.
(ii) Treasurer – Balance Sheet stands at £2,659.45.
(iii) Health & Social Care – Peter has been in touch with Tom Welsh, Peter to attend all meetings.
(iv) Federation – Andrew and Ann to attend next meeting on Wednesday 20th March, in Newbattle Community Learning Centre – 7.00 pm.
9 Correspondence Midlothian core paths plan review 11th Feb to 6th March available online for review. Services for Communities Redesign – input from CC requested at meeting, proposed tentatively for Thursday 21st March. 10 Any other Business
(i) The disappearance of the letters from the historic old ‘Edinburgh’ railway sign was tabled to PC McGuff. Because the owner of the sign cannot currently be identified, this cannot at present be recorded as a crime. Appeal to be undertaken, through the press to raise awareness in the hope that persons can be identified. Perspex letters could be replaced at circa. £200. CC members to review whether a local business could aid the replacement of the letters.
(ii) AM thanked Paul for his input and drive to date.
11 Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 26 March 2019 at 7.00 pm at Newbattle Community Learning Centre Signed – Andrew Marshall 02/03/19
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